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Not mine again.. I found it funny that I can't resist to share.. These boys are crazy!! ;)) credit to MysticFantasy again at


"New challenge!" Tony annouced as they sat at the table with a tablespoon before each man.

"What's this one?" Steve asked.

"The cinnamon challenge." Clint answered with a smirk.

"What does this one do?" Bruce asked with a tone knowing that this situation would only be as bad as the milk challenge.

"Very simple my science brother. Here in front of each of us is a table spoon. We fill the spoon with cinnamon. Now our goal will be to try to eat the entire spoonful in under sixty seconds without using a single drop of water or any other beverage."

"I like this challenge. It seems so simple." Thor exclaimed with a grin.

"We'll see how you feel in a minute or so." Clint said and filled his spoon with the brown powder.

In a few seconds, each man had filled his spoon with the cinnamon powder and Tony has his phone set on a sixty second timer.

"Everyone ready?" he asked with his finger hover over the start button.



Everyone placed their spoons in their mouths and froze at the sudden sensation.

Clint's face scrunched up as he moaned in displeasure. His throat and mouth felt like it was on fire and he felt his eyes tearing up.

He looked around and saw the others with the same expressions.

At only eleven seconds, Bruce quickly left the table and rushed over to the sink where he promptly spat out his mouthful of cinnamon and rinsed his mouth.

Tony tried to swallow a little at a time but he knew that it wasn't working as well as he wanted. He looked over to Steve and Thor.

Both of them seemed to be fairing the challenge but they were obviously still working on trying to swallow the powder.

Checking the timer, the inventor say that they were at thirty five seconds. Not a second later, Clint jumped up from his seat and copied Bruce's earlier actions.

"Can't be done!" the archer shouted from the sink.

"Agreed!" Tony shouted around a mouthful and hurried over to do the same as his friend.

Bruce walked over to the timer that now read forty seven seconds.

"Come on you two." Bruce cheered to the soldier and thunder god.

"At least one of us has to do it." Clint added.

"Avenge us." Tony declared.

The two strongest were clearly struggling to swallow the cinnamon powder in time.

"Ten seconds left." Bruce announced.

Steve flatened his hands against the surface and the three clearly saw his Adam's apple bob. He then gasped loudly, followed by Thor who accomplished the same task.

Both lightly coughed and were handed bottles of water.

"You guys did it!" Clint cheered. "Challenge beaten!"

"What is going on now?!" Natasha demanded as she walked over to the men.

"Steve and Thor just won the cinnamon challenge! That's what!" Tony declared with a large smile.

"Oh you bunch of morons!" Natasha practically shouted.

"Hey, don't be jealous because they did one thing that you couldn't." Tony said.

"Jealous?!" Natasha repeated.

She quickly picked up one of the spoons, placed cinnamon powder on it and placed it in her mouth.

Clint mentally counted the seconds and his eyes went wide when Natasha visibly swallowed after thirteen seconds.

"Now who's jealous?" Natasha asked before taking the remander of Steve's water and leaving the kitchen.

"That woman is not normal!" Tony exclaimed.

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