My Love From Another Star

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I'm Natasha Romanoff, the brightest star (actress) of this generation. I'm very popular and everybody loves me..

But my life was about to change when an accident happened and when I met the one..

I'm Steve Rogers, I'm from another star.. therefor I'm an alien. I was stuck here in planet Earth for almost 400 years now.. (ofcourse no one knows that. I go with the flow and live a normal life in Earth) I'm still waiting for the right time, when I can come back to my own planet.

The Beginning..

(Clint is my handler and Darcy is my PA. Don't be confuse)
Clint: Nat you need to go to school!! Everyone is gossiping about you that your no brain! and also going to school can help your career!
Nat: oh.. oh!! you're right. they will think that even I'm very busy I can still manage to go to school!
C: yes right!
N: ohhhhhh.. I'm very bright! hahaha when was the last time I went to school and what subject I need to attend?
C: last month! and you need to attend your Philosophy class, this is the 3rd time will take it Nat. -___-
N: Urghhh.. I think I need to talk to my teacher.. anyway, let's go home. I'm tired. is Darcy done on packing?
C: Yes.


N: Clint - Darcy I'm okay here. you don't need to go with me inside my apartment's building.
D: But Nat! the last you go alone you met a maniac who wants to touch you.
C: Darcy but you remember what happened to the pervert right?
D: Ohh yah.. he was in coma for almost 4 months.
N: you two just shut up okay!? I'm going!! (and I walked away)
C: Come Darcy.. Dear God I just wish Natasha will change her attitude..
D: yeah right. something nice and matured..


When I enter the elevator there's already someone, a guy.. I think he's on his early 20's. I just ignored him until I realize I'm already near my floor but he's still with me.. Ohhh another pervert huh??

N: What do you want huh!? you want a fansign or a picture!?
Guy: what are you talking about?
N: Wohhh.. good pretending that you don't know me huh!? Okay fine. Here I will removed my shades. Im Natasha okay. Now where's your paper or phone? let's finish this.
G: I don't know you. and I don't care who you are!
N: Really huh!? Stop it! I know you're a maniac or a kidnapper! You just don't know how good I am in karate! (Before I can punch him, the elevator stop in my floor and the guy exit, I followed him)
N: you what are you do... Oh I'm sorry.. is this your unit? (Oh God!! He's my neighbor)
G: yeah.. Go.. (I waived my hand like I shooo her) I can't enter my password if you're there!
N: Oh its okay.. I will forget it anyway.
G: Go!
N: Alright! (Crazy!!)

That night I check again my twitter again (Clint will be mad again to me by doing this.. But I can't help it. I want to know what people think of me.. I read a lot of comments and tweets about me telling me that I'm no brain, stupid, lunatic.. and the most comment that hit me is that I got a surgery to achieved my beautiful face!! ohhhh crazy bitches! this is natural!!

RED IN MY LEDGER. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt