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"That was a good training exercise Nat." Clint mused quietly. It was late and he didn't want to wake any of the others. Although he doubted that anything short of a mild explosion could wake Thor up.

"It was. We'll definatly have to show it to the others and see what they think." Natasha agreed.

"You mean 'show Steve', don't you?" Clint asked.

"True. He is the only one who takes his trainig more serious than us." Natasha agreed and opened the door that would take them to the hallway leading to the elevators.

Both of the SHIELD agents gasped in surprise when they saw a muscular figure standing on the other side but relaxed when they saw that it was Steve.

"Jeez Cap, you scared the daylight out of me." Clint exclaimed. "What the heck are you doing up anyway? I thought you were the early to bed kinda guy."

Steve remained silent as he slowly walked forward.

"Steve?" Natasha called but got no answer.

"You alright, Cap?" Clint asked.

"Yes, colonel." Steve answered quietly. "I'll get on it right away."

Clint and Natasha looked at each other with confused looks before following after their team leader. They followed him into the library where he sat at the desk and began writting what they beleived were plans for a battle.

They had no doubt in their minds it would be a great one if it didn't look like a child's scribbled drawing.

When his 'plan' was done, Steve stood and handed it to Clint.

"Just waiting for your approval, sir." he said.

Clint looked amused at the thought of Steve showing him authority. Natasha decided to hit him in the head before he got use to the idea.

"He's sleepwalking." she whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Clint asked in the same tone.

"You can't wake a sleepwalker." she explained. "If you wake them up, they'll go into shock or something worse could happen."

"I didn't know that could happen." Clint stated and then they both watched as Steve began walking again.

"I have to train the Commando's, sir. I'll report at fourteen hundred hours." Steve said as he left the room.

"The gym." the two stated and followed Steve closely to make sure that he didn't hurt himself. He got to the gym safely and started heading to the treadmills.

"I don't think that's safe." Clint said and carefully grabbed the captain's arm in order to steer him in the direction of the punching bags.

It seemed to work as Steve allowed himself to be taken toward the punching bag. Yet with only one punch, the bag went flying and hit the wall behind it. The wall cracked and the bag split, spilling sand all over the floor.

But the two SHIELD agents weren't going to worry about it right now.

"Need to eat now." Steve muttered and began walking away.

"Oh boy." Clint muttered. "I'll go ahead to the kitchen and get something. Hopefully he doesn't eat more when he's asleep than he does when he's awake."

Natasha smirked and hurried over to Steve while Clint went ahead.

The archer hurried to the kitchen and began pulling things from the fidge that he believed may want to eat. He quickly put everything on the table until it was completely covered with food.

Just as he placed the last item on the table, Steve slowly walked in with Natasha at his side.

"Got enough, Clint?" Natasha joked when she saw the table.

"Hey, have you seen the way he eats?" Clint asked. "Him and Thor have given the local food stops a run for their money."

Steve walked past the table holding all of the food and went to the fridge where he opened the door and pulled out a half empty gallon of orange juice.

He easily drank the remaining juice and placed the empty bottle on the counter before heading away from the kitchen.

"Sleep now." he said.

Clint stared at the soldier in bewilderment and then looked at the table. He sat down and began picking at a plate of left over nachos.

Natasha just chuckled and followed Steve. He almost went into a few different rooms but Natasha managed to lead him to his own. She almost laughed when she watched Steve flop down onto his bed.

Slightly struggling to get the blanket out from under him, Natasha eventually managed to cover the soldier. She stayed for a few more minutes to make sure that Steve didn't get up again.

Once she was sure that he was down for the night, she quietly left after asking Jarvis to make sure to keep an eye on Steve.

She then returned to the kitchen where Clint just finished eatting the last of the nachos.

"I had no idea he sleptwalked." Clint said. "Guess we finally found a crack in his perfection."

This time, Natasha did let out a small chuckle as she picked up a piece of chocolate cake.

PS: same.. not mine again.. ;)

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