Hope (Romanogers)

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Steve and I we're in a relationship for 5years, we have a child named Sarah.

Our relationship was not like the rest of couples. Steve is married with Sharon. Their relationship was been low when I met him (that what he said) it was year 2011 of December when our love story started. I always had a different feelings for him, not crush, like or love feelings. I can't explain it but he's special to me ever since I met him. He's the first person I met when I joined SHIELD.

2012 of January we've been official and that's the start of our fall. Literally fall in work, we lost some of our friends and ruined our relationship with our family and relatives.

Maybe our love was against all odds. Even Sharon, his mother, my family, our friends and officemates tried to separate us we didn't give up, we continue our relationship until Sarah came to our lives.

We just don't fight on our relationship, we also fight with each other, we always argue.. We came to the point that Steve hit me. But I'm so in-love with him, I stayed.

Steve stayed with Sharon and I stayed with my family. Sharon came back to their house when she knew about me.

Then I resign in Shield and work for Hydra, our relationship started to drift.. His relationship with Sharon started to get fix also. I felt that I'm being left with his life or in his life with his real family.

But I'm so stubborn and I fought for our love. I didn't gave up. I always beg for Steve not to leave me. But.. I think everybody has a border. When Sarah was born. I started my our new life. I started to work in Red room..

When I started to move on that's when Steve came back. Because I love him so much, I accepted him again.

In year 2014, Steve went to Brooklyn to work there. Again, our relationship started to sink again. Maybe the Long distance thing is what we cannot handle because we're used to be with each always...

Our relationship then was on and off then one day I saw on his social networks that he's already with Sharon and their kids in Brooklyn. I didn't said anything to him. I just left. I suddenly get tried on our relationship and sometimes walking away is the only thing that I can do..

After 3months, I received a call from a unknown number, when I answered it. It was Steve, he went home for his father's burial. After 3days we saw each other again and our relationship started again. He gave me everything, make up on the time he lost. We celebrated my birthday, but our happy moments didn't last. He needs to go back in Brooklyn because of work. He promised me that he will fix everything, he will file a divorce with Sharon. He promised me that we will be together soonest. I hold on to that..

When Steve was back in Brooklyn, our relationship was again in chaos stage. We always fight and argue. But we never give up. Until one day, he got tired and broke up. He cannot handle anymore the stress we experience in our relationship. He doubted on us. Why we have a beautiful plan for the future and yet we cannot handle the present. He left me...

Now, I'm learning to accept everything; on process of moving on with my relationship with Steve. But I already accepted that I will not forget him whatever I will do.. Having an amnesia is the only answer so I will forget him😋 Maybe I just need to learned to open up my heart with others..

But as of now, I'm contented with my life, I enjoyed my daughter, she's now 3years old, I make up to my family, performing in my work. I do everything for my Sarah.

And hoping that someday Sarah will have a Dad, which I can call a Husband and we can call each other a family...

RED IN MY LEDGER. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt