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(Not mine. read this at fanfiction.com by MysticFantasy)

"We need to plan another vacation." Tony stated. "We haven't had one in a while.

"You mean since the time you lost me and Steve in Vegas?" Bruce reminded.

Tony gave a light and nervous chuckle as he recalled waking up and finding two of his friends missing.

"What the heck did I do last night?" Tony asked himself as he stirred awake.

Right away noticing his state, he quickly checked his left hand for any sign of a cheap wedding ring and was relieved when he saw there wasn't one and that he was the only one in his bed.

With the pounding in his head slowly vanishing, Tony forced himself up and out of the bed and out into the suite that they rented for their vacation.

He right away spotted Thor and Clint sprawled over the sofa's, both snoring loudly and close to falling off the furniture.

Natasha's door was closed so Tony was sure that she was fine. She always was and he found it annoying and envious at times.

What he did notice was that Steve and Bruce were nowhere to be seen.

Not worried, Tony walked over and practically shoved Clint off the couch. The archer fell heavily with a loud crash which woke Thor who somehow manaed to stay on the couch.

"What the hell?!" Clint exclaimed.

"Where Banner and Captain No-Fun?"

"How should I know? You were with the both of them last night." Clint answered as he got up and laid down again.

"You were with our friends when you left and when you returned you were alone." Thor added.

"Wait. You didn't question why they weren't with me when I got back?" Tony asked.

"We thought they might be talking with cops or someone for something you did." Clint answered. "We fell asleep right after you showed up."

"Well, they're not here and I have no idea where they are." Tony declared.

"Are you saying you lost Steve and Bruce?" Natasha demanded as she suddenly showed up from her room.

"I'm not saying that exactly." Tony replied cautiously. "I just don't know where they are right now."

"Does that not mean that they are lost?" Thor asked as he got to his feet. "Our brother's in arms are out there without us. What if they are in danger?"

"The only danger they'll run into is if Bruce is in a crowd by himself and if Steve gets too hungry." Tony replied. "Alright, let's get dressed and go look for them."

Forty minutes later, the four were walking around the area they had stayed in last night.

Bruce and Steve knew the location of the hotel so it only brought up more questions as to why they weren't there in the morning.

They weren't worried about the two running into any kind of trouble. They were the Hulk and Captain America after all. They both had their credit cards on them, so they had plenty of money for anything they might need.

Natasha and Clint began to wonder if this was revenge the two missing Avengers were doing to Tony for 'loosing' them.

The group walked around the many bright colored buildings. Hotels, casino's, various food places and other various shops.

But no sign of the doctor or the captain.

Three hours quickly went by without any sign of their missing friends. The group had a quick lunch at a buffet before rethinking their plan.

"Maybe we should go back to the hotel and see if the front desk has seen them." Natasha suggested.

"Sounds good." Tony agreed. "If I'm out here any longer all of you are going to lose me to a casino."

"Alright. Let's head back." Clint said.

The four went back to their hotel and checked with the front desk. The new on duty receptionists claimed that they haven't seen their two missing friends.

Not knowing what else to do, the four decided to go back to their room to think of a new plan. Once they were out of the elevator and walking down the hall, the door of the room next to theirs opened and two men walked out.

The four froze when they saw that it was Bruce and Steve.

"They you guys are." Bruce exclaimed with a smile. "We looked all over the hotel for you."

"You two have been here the whole time?" Clint asked.

"Yeah." Steve answered. "We helped the four of you back to your room last night and we got this one. Don't you remember that we booked two rooms?"

RED IN MY LEDGER. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt