1. Hi, I'm Athena

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13 Years Ago

Athena Pov

Being a freshman at high school that is hundreds of miles away from the one you wanted to attend to sucks ass, especially when you're a "freak" to everyone.

I have a medusa piercing and snakebites, my hair is a dark shade of red, it doesn't go over my rib cage, size 00g plugs, I have no eyebrows; I draw them on every morning, literally all I wear is black and everyone thinks I wear to much make up yet all I put on is eyeshadow and mascara.

I moved here to Scranton Pennsylvania about a month ago for my dad's work. My family and I have been constantly moving since I was 7. He said that this is our last move but he said that last time.

I haven't met any of the neighbors and I don't plan to any time soon. My mom said I should go and socialize but who needs friends when you have music? Not having friends might bite me in ass tomorrow but I'll make it through the first day, I hope.


"Wake up Athena." My 12 year old brother Nathan demands moving my shoulder side to side. I groan and throw one of my pillows at him. "Shut up I have an alarm!" I spit out while digging my face into my other pillow.

Seconds later my alarm goes off causing me to groan again. I turn off my alarm and selflessly get my self up. "What do you want?" I ask Nathan who was still looking at me. He shakes his head and walks out my room.

I rub the coners of my eyes and stand up. Ugg, I'm starting school today. I let out a small sigh and start to look through my closet that I barely finished organizing last week.

Should I go with the "total freak" or "gothic bitch" look? That's not all people call me, trust me. Maybe I just go with something simple, yeah I will. I look through my shirts and take out my 'Blackcraft, On Wednesday We Wear Black' shirt and my black skinny jeans.

I quickly strip off my tank top and shorts that I had on and threw on the oufit. I sit down in front of my mirror and do my eyebrows. I don't do them to thin or to thick. I put on some mascara and do a dramatic look for the eyeliner.


Once I did my hair and I walked to school. I'm barely arriving to school and everyone is already looking at me. If they were saying something then I wouldn't know due to me having in my earphones.

I walk to office and take out one earphone to here the mumbles of people.

Eww what is she wearing?

Does she like worship Satan?

No one would bother talking to her.

We need more real people and less gothics.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the desk. "May I help you?" The office attended questions with the worst attitude. "Yeah you can. I need my schedule." I reply with a worse attitude catching her by surprise.

She rolls her eyes and asks for my name. "Athena Claire Walsh." I answer looking at her look at her computer. She clicks on something and prints it out. "Here." I gave her a fake smile and tilted my head slightly to the side and snatched it out her hand.

"Thanks, bitch." I reply as I walk away. "What did you call me?" She yells causing everyone to look. "You heard me." I tell her walking out the office.

This is just going to be a fantastic day isn't it?
I look at my schedule and see that I have science first at the class b107. Where the fuck is that? As I'm walking around looking for my classes I could feel everyone's eye on me.

"Who invited the gothic slut?" Some guy, jock like, yells causing everybody to laugh. I ignored it and kept walking. "Where's the rest of your satanic cult at?" One girl yells.

Why is it like this everywhere I go? "Would you guys just shut the fuck already?" A guy yells defending me. I couldn't help but to smile when he walked up to me.

He was cute, different. Strands of red hair in his black hair, monroe piercing, snakebites, cute smile, plugs the size of a bottle cap and very tall. He was wearing a rib cage sweater, black jeans with a belt, and a skull long sleeved shirt. Shit, I was probably staring for to long now.

"I'm Chris." He says sticking out his hand. I smile and shake it. "Hi, I'm Athena." I remark, letting go of his hand. "Who do you have first?" He questions trying to look at my schedule.

I show him and let him look at it. "Mrs. Blake, she's over there." He says pointing at a class not to far from us. "Want me to walk you?" He questions, I blush and nod my head yes.

He then looks back at the schedule. "It seems to me that we have next period and 5 more periods together." He says with a cheeky smile while we walk to the class.

Out of 8 periods we have 6 together, not bad. "Do you, uh mind if I hang out with you during lunch?" I ask in a nervous tone of voice. "Of course not. I'll meet you here after class. Bye Athena." He says then walks off.

This day may not be the worst.


(A/n: Sorry if I stopped it right here, it was starting to get really long. I'll continue it next chapter, I hope you guys enjoy my story so far!)

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