27. It's a Hatefuck Situation

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Athena Pov / 1 Month later

How do you tell someone that you want to break up with them after 2 weeks of dating? I never should have said yes to Xavier, yeah, we're dating and I regret it. We only went on 4 dates before he asked me out.

It's like were not even dating, it's just, how do I say this? We only fuck. The second day we were officially going out we did it. Don't get me wrong, it was pleasurable but something felt wrong.

Something still feels wrong. Chris acts weird when I'm around him and I hate it. I want things how they were a month ago. He denies it every time I ask him but I just know something's up.

No one but Angelo knows that I'm going to San Diego tomorrow. Me and him were hanging out at his house with his girlfriend when we were talking about flight prices and it slipped out that I was going down there.

I don't care when they find out as long as it's not tomorrow. I want to see my husband and say some words to him without anyone starting anything.

* skip to tomorrow *

Thankfully I got to San Diego without anyone bothering me. No one knew, so it made everything easier. I rented a hotel for the day right when I got here, which was at 1pm.

It's 3pm right now and I finally made it to the cemetery. Places I hate going to. I know this place to much. It didn't take me long to find Chase's grave.

I sat down with my legs criss crossed and simply stared at the words,

"Chase Ulloa
Beloved Husband and Father
August 25, 1987 - October 5, 2009"

"Hey, Chase." I sigh out, still looking at the place I never wanted to see him in. After 6 years I still can't believe it. "I hope Caleb is with you." I say.

I want to tell him everything but he already knows. I know he knows. "I think I love Chris." I admit. If he was alive, I would never had told him something like this. "It doesn't matter though. I'm with Xavier."

I know Xavier likes me, he tells me every time we're...yeah, but I'm not sure I feel the same way about him. "I screwed up Chase. Big time." I knew the first date we went on, it wasn't right, why did I take it this far?

"I should go." I say standing up. I kiss my hand and place my hand on the plaque. "I'll see you next year, I promise baby." I turn around and stop quickly when I was about to bump into someone.

"I'm sorry." I say then look at the person's face. "Chris!? What are you doing here?" I question, the feeling of my cheeks burning as I say it. "Ang." He admits.

I think I love Chris

What if he heard that? "How long have you been here?" I ask, feeling so stupid. "Just got here." Thank goodness. I nod my head in a understanding way. "Why are you here? And how'd you know I be here?"

"When you hear that your best friend is going to San Diego, it's kind of hard not to wonder why --- and I followed your car."

I don't know whether to be mad or not care. Why should I be mad? Oh yeah, because he's been so distant towards me and to think that it's fine to follow me is not okay! "Best friend? Yeah right. That's the last thing you've been this past months." I spit out, truthfully.

"What are you talking about?" He angrily asks. "You know what I'm talking about, don't act dumb. Just go home Chris. I'll be there by tomorrow." I say, starting to walk off, he snatches onto my wrist.

Dammit Angelo. "What is your problem?" He questions. "My problem is that you've been pushing me away ever since I started dating Xavier." I answer truthfully while tugging my wrist out his hold.

"It's hard talking to you since your always fucking him!" My eyes open widely at his response. "W-what?" I hesitate. He laughs in pity. "You go to his house for about an hour and come back with hickeys on your neck. It's not that hard to notice Athena." I didn't know how to respond.

This is embarrassing. "Why do you care?" I softly let out. "I don't." He answers back coldly. "Then?" Now he wasn't saying anything. "You wasted your time coming down here Chris." I remark then speed walk to my car.

I don't need this.

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