3. He's my neighbor?

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Athena Pov

As we got the coner of the street I could see the befuddled faces of Chris and Angelo, making me a tad bit confused too. "You guys can leave me off here. I'll see you tomorrow." I say, stopping the steps we were about to take.

"I live here though." Chris says pointing at the houses that are across from mine. "Uhh, no I live here." I respond pointing at my house that wasn't far from where we are standing.

Something is going on. "Athena, he really does live here." Ang says, backing up Chris. "I guess we're neighbors." He's my neighbor? What? I mean, that's not a bad thing but what if he sees me taking out the trash in the morning or something? What if he sees me without my eyebrows drawn on?

I'm fucked. "Athena?" Chris says, bringing me back to real life. "Oh sorry." I respond, putting all my focus towards them. "Would you like to come over?" Chris asks me. My dad is probably at work and my mom wouldn't care so why not?

I accept his offer and grow a small smile on my face. "C'mon miss happy." Chris says, again putting his arm around me. "You guys wouldn't look so bad together." Ang exclaims as we walk over, apparently to Chris' house.

Me and Chris both look at each other and cringe followed by us laughing. "Yeah and you wouldn't look so bad with Sara McKenzie." Chris tells Ang. I didn't understand but I guess it was an insult.

Ang grows a disgusted look on his face and chuckles. "No that's just, no." He replies, not even finishing his sentence. "Who's that?" I question as we walk up the porch steps. Chris then takes his hand off me and goes through his pockets.

"The girl you told off today." Chris answers, using the key that he just got out his pocket to open the door. "You told her off?" Ang questions in a very loud voice as we walk in Chris' house.

I shrug my shoulders. "Not really. I just told her to shut her mouth up." I reply, waiting for Chris to close the door. Angelo's mouth drops. "What?" I ask with a side giggle.

"You're one tough badass." I roll my eyes and look over at Chris. "Mom?" He yells in the empty sounding house. "In here." A lady's voice fills the other room. "Come meet my mom." Chris suggests.

I'm already meeting his mom?! Wait, we're just friends, it shouldn't matter. "O-okay." He then takes my hand and leads me to the other room, I'm guessing the family room.

There was Chris' mom, I believe, sitting on a brown leather recliner. She looked about her mid thirties, not slim but not big either, she had glasses on and she was quite shorter. "Hey mom, this is Athena. She was new to the school." Chris informs his mom as I greet her with a firm handshake.

"Hello darling." She says with a very friendly smile. "Hello Miss or Mrs....?" I reply in a question since Chris didn't tell me what to call her. "Mrs. Cerulli." She answers.

At least she doesn't hate me like my last friend Monica. She was my only friend back in Florida and her mom couldn't stand me because of my looks. "Well I'm going to go to my room." Chris tells her. She nods and smiles. "It was nice meeting you Mrs. Cerulli." I lightly shout as we walk up the stairs.

She replies with a "likewise". She was really nice and open minded, I could see where Chris gets it from. "You guys got along." Chris states as we enter his room.

His room was painted black with posters of all different types of bands. Slipknot, Korn, Metallica, Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Poison the Well, The Foo Fighters and even HIM. There was a couple more but I didn't really recognize the bands.

"I love your room." I say admiring the posters and decorations. "You know these bands?" Ang asked. I shoot him the 'really?' look. "Have you seen me? Obviously I don't listen to Eminem." I answer with a laugh.

(I'm getting too much comments about the Eminem thing. I'm not dissing him if you think that)

He throws up his hand defensively. "Hey people like different things." He tells me, also laughing. We all then sit down; Chris and Ang sitting on the bed, I sat on the computer chair. "Wait, where's your dad then?" I question, slightly bird walking the topic.

He sighs, "work." I could see the hurt in his eyes when he said that. I could only notice it since that's how I am when I say my dad is at work all the time. "I feel you. My dad works almost 24/7." I reply, attempting to make him feel better.

Ang notices our sadness and says something. "Enough with depressing subject. C'mon we have homework for Snyder." Snyder is our English teacher that we have for 7th period. Me and Chris both nod.


"Oh shut up Ang!" Both Chris and I demand. He was saying that he can get any girl he wants from the school. "Hey! Don't hate the playa hate the game." I roll my eyes and quickly look at time that was on Chris' computer.

8:26 pm. My eyes grow huge and I quickly get up. "It's late. I'm going to go home." I tell them swinging my bag over my shoulder. "Want us to walk you?" What's with them and walking me? "I'm flattered but no thank you. Bye guys." They both smile and say bye.

I speed walk down stairs and say bye to Chris' mom. "By Athena. Have a good night." She says as I open the front door. "You too Mrs. Cerulli." I wave and walk out. Once the door was closed I quickly ran across the street to my house.

If my dad is home then I'm really going to get it. I open my front door in fear and call out for my mom, she was in the kitchen. "Why are you home so late? I've been worried about you." I let out a sigh of relief, she isn't mad.

I guess I could tell her the truth. "I was at a friend's house across the street." Her eyes grow wide and her mouth drops. "Did you just say friend? You have a friend? On the first day?! Tell me all about her! Is she nice? Is she funny? Have her come over some time!" She says very cheerfully.

She knows that it's hard for me to make friends. "I actually have two friends, and they're both guys, but don't worry they're in 10th grade. One is named Angelo and he is really nice and funny and my other friend is Chris, he lives across the street from us. He actually defended me when some people were calling me names." I say, blushing.

She had a small smirk on her face. "You have a crush don't you?" She questions. I nod my head no. "I just met him!" She starts laughing. "Mhhh." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Well, go get yourself ready for tomorrow. And next time tell me when you're going to go out." I replied with a 'okay mom' and went up to my room.

Today was the best first day ever.


(A/n: This chapter is a bit longer but I hope you guys enjoy my story so far)

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