20. 505

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Athena Pov

I blink a couple of times to see if I was really seeing Chase, I wasn't; it was my imagination. "Huh?" The guy that sits next to me questions.

He had wavy brown hair that reached down to his ears, his eyes were a light brown, his cheekbones pop out, and a couple more features from his face were very good looking.

"Oh sorry nothing, you just remind me of someone I know." Or used to know. I look back at the tombstone and sigh. "My name is Xavier." He tells me.

Honestly, I'm not even close to a mood for talking. "I know you're trying to be nice and all but I would really appreciate some silence yeah?" I say, rather rudely. "Oh, yeah I'm sorry to bother you." He replies, getting up from the bench.

I sigh at my rudeness, "you don't have to leave." Today could have been the day one of his family members got burried too and I'm over here being a total bitch to him. "Okay." He whispers and sits back down.

Everything was silent, I sort of wanted to change that. "I'm Athena." I remark, not making eye contact to him, just looking at the graves and tombstones. I could be talking to a psychopath who murders people.

Truthfully, I wouldn't care if he killed me right here, right now, I'm already dead.

"Yours?" He says, looking at Caleb's grave that I have been staring at. I nod my head yes to answer his question. "He's my son. He died a month ago." I could feel him staring at me, I know it was sympathetically.

A month, wow. A month of me not hearing his little voice, yet I hear it everyday. Just at the thought of me not being able to hear his voice made me burst into tears.

I don't care if Xavier was looking at me. It's not like after today he's going to see me ever again. I continue crying when I felt his hand on top of mine. I couldn't help it, I needed someone's shoulder to cry on.

I get closer to him, he takes the hint and wraps his hands around me. Historically crying into his chest he says something. "I know how you feel Athena." His voice starting to crack.

"Today's the day I lost my wife and kid in a car crash. It's been 4 years." He tells me. I suddenly stop crying and look at him. I felt sorry for him, I also knew how that felt losing 2 of your loved ones.

I attempt to wipe off whatever residue was on his sweater. "I kind of got boogers on your sweater." I tell him with a small chuckle. He also chuckles and tells me it's fine.

"I should really go home now, I've been here since 12." I tell him standing up. 7 hours. I've been here 7 hours, just looking and staring at Caleb's grave. "Yeah okay. I'll walk you to your car." He replies, also standing up.

We walk to my car in silence. Surprisingly, it wasn't an awkward silence. "Uhh, thank you." I say as we get to my car. "No problem, oh, one question." He tells me, sticking up his index finger.

I bob my head up ready for the question that could possibly be about Caleb. "How can I find you?" He questions, taking me by surprise. "You have a phone with you?" He quickly takes out his phone.

"Here." I tell him putting in my number. "Bye Xavier." I say getting into my car. He waves as I drive off.


I get home, astonishingly, with a small smile on my face. If I get a call from him, great. If I don't, great. I don't care either way.

Putting my jacket on the rack, I hear the guy's voices in the living room. I guess they're here. I walk into the living room and see that they are here.

"Hey Athena." Ghost says in a soft voice, trying to see if I was still in my 'burst into tears' mood, which I'm not. That could change any second though. "Hey guys. I'm just going to go to sleep." I reply, then start walking to my room.

Chris tries to say something but hesitates. What could have he possibly said? "You haven't ate yet!" I hear Ashley yell as I enter my room. "Not hungry." I yell back, closing the door.

I place my shoes in the bottom of my closet and decided to blast some music, not caring that the guy's are here.

I'm going back to 505,
If it's a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive,
In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side,
With your hands between your thighs,

Stop and wait a sec,
Oh when you look at me like that my darling,
What did you expect,
I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck,
Or I did last time I checked,

I lay on my back, hands interlaced on my stomach, looking up at the ceiling. I close my eyes and let the music take me away. Arctic Monkeys, you never fail me.

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