5. I guess I'm his best friend

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Athena Pov

While Chris, my mom, Nathan and I are eating spaghetti, all my mom has been talking about is Chris and what he likes, what he wants his job to be, his whole fucking lifestyle. God she's so annoying.

"When you become famous can you mention my name?" Nathan asked as he slurred up some spaghetti, making me cringe. He was sitting next to my mom and I was sitting next to Chris across from them. "Sure thing." He says with a generous smile.

This is why I love him.

Hold up, did I just, what? I love him as a friend! That's what I was probably thinking, duhh, what else could I be thinking?

My dad then comes in. "Hey my beautiful fami-" he stopped when he saw Chris. He hates how I look and act; let's see how this ends up.

Chris stands us and wipes his hands in a napkin. "Hello Mr. Walsh. I'm Chris. I'm Athena's best friend." Best friend? Best friend. A huge smile appears on my face, showing all teeth.

My dad rejects his handshake and kisses my mom. Knowing my dad, I could have expected that. My mom gives Chris a sorry look. Chris nods.

"So, how old are you?" My dad questions Chris with his eyebrows furrowed. "15 Sir." Chris answers. He's such a gentleman. "You're 15 and you have a sleeve done?" He asks Chris.

This is going horrible. "Uhh yes Sir." He replies looking down. My dad shakes his head. "You accept this Carolyn?" He questions my mom. I roll my eyes. "Actually yes, Edward. It's his decisions." He scoffs and walks out the kitchen.

"I think I better get home. It was a real pleasure meeting you Mr and Mrs. Walsh." He says getting up, putting the empty plate in the sink. "I wish I could say the same." My dad replies, my mom just slaps his arm. "I'll walk you out." I tell Chris.

"Hopefully we see you again." My mom says. He forces a smile. "See you later bud." Chris tells Nathan. "Bye Chris!" Nathan shouts, eating more spaghetti. Fat ass.

Me and Chris walked over to his house in silence. It wasn't awkward, I just didn't know what to do about my dad saying all those cruel things.

We got to his door and stopped. "Hey, I'm really sorry about my dad. He just hates this "phase", so he calls it." I feel so horrible.

"Don't worry about. Not all parents are accepting. And thank you for the dinner." He says then hugs me. Of course I hugged back.

I smile at him as he walks in his house. Why is my dad such a dick? What's wrong with me and Chris looking a little different? He's such a nice guy, everyone should give him a chance!

I sigh and walk in my house. I wish I could say the same. Just thinking about it gets me furious. I storm in and mad dog my dad. I looked away and washed me and Chris' dish.

"I think it's better if you find friends that preferably, not have tattoos and piercings at age 15." My dad says with a serious face. "You have to be kidding me! You're such a dick!" I growl at my dad.

His mouth drops and he furrows his eyebrows at the curse words. "You're father may be wrong about Christopher but you don't say things like that, Athena!" My mom yells back.

"Whatever." I mumble and walk to my room. "Athena come back!" My dad demands. "Or what? Ground me?" I shout, slamming my room door.


My eyes fluttered until I saw Nathan looking in my drawers. It's probably 10 at night right now. I decided to take a nap since I didn't want to deal with my dad screaming.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I shout getting up from bed and pushing him into my wall. "I-I-I," he stutters. "I-I-I what? Why were you looking through my stuff?" I yell grabbing onto his shirt.

He has no excuses. "I was putting this in your cabinet." He says holding up a note, shaking in fear. I quickly snatched it out his opened it.

You're asleep right now but I just wanted to tell you that don't worry about what dad thinks about Chris. This week was the first time I've seen you happy since Marla died. -Nathan.

Marla was our big sister. She died two years ago in a car crash, she was 18. She was the only one who was actually there for me. I look over at Nathan and hug him, startling him at first but he then hugs back.

"I'm sorry." I whisper in his ear then softly let go. "It's fine. I didn't know how I was going to tell you in person so I wrote it in a note." He confirms me.

I'm such a bitch. "You really like Chris?" I question with a small smile. "Yes! He's so cool! Do you think, if he ever starts that band he would let me go on tour with him?" I chuckle at his excitement and shrug my shoulders.

"You would have to ask for yourself."


(A/n: I know! Short chapter! I'm sorry >.<  Please vote if you liked this chapter and if you like my story follow me)

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