13. Motionless In White

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Athena Pov

It's been three weeks since I saw Angelo and he's came over a couple times. It sort of brings back old memories. I wonder how Chris is doing... Me and Angelo don't talk about him; we both know that he's not a subject to talk about.

Anyways, today is the day Ashley's boyfriend comes home supposedly. She's not just a housemate any more, she's basically my best friend. She takes care of Caleb when it's my shift at the shop.

Everything is just playing itself out and I'm glad it is. This is the happiest I've been since Chase passed away, and that was 8 years ago. I should really thank Nathan.

"Earth to Athena!?" Ashley yells waving her hand in front of face, due to me spacing out again. "Oh sorry what?" I question bringing my attention towards her. She giggles and continues talking.

"You wouldn't mind if Josh's friends came over right? He texted me asking if they can come over." She questions. Me and her in the kitchen cooking since today is both our days off, while Caleb is sleeping. "No I don't mind at all." She quickly replies back with, "good because I already said yes." We both laugh a bit and resumed cooking.


Ashley is currently hugging her boyfriend to death as I wash the dirty dishes we just used to cook. "Athena come and meet Josh, we'll do the dishes later!" I playfully roll my eyes and turn off the water faucet.

I wipe my hands on my black skinny jeans and walk over to her and Josh. He was definitely in a rock band that's forsure. "Hey, I'm Josh but call be Balz." He remarks as we shake hands.

"I'm Athena and I guess we're housemates." I reply with small laugh. "We made food so if you're hungry..." he stops my last words, "food? I already like you." Ashley slaps his chest playfully. "As a housemate babe!" He yells causing us three to laugh.

I thought he wasn't going to like me, not a lot of people like people who look like me. "The guys are outside, they'll come in right now." Balz assures Ashley and I as he looks through the food we cooked.

Talking about guys, one guy comes in the house shouting, "what's up Ash?!" He's not tall or short, but he does have short hair that is shaved by the sides and slicked back in the middle. He has a nose ring and cute smile.

"And who is this I see?" He questions, smiling at me. "Ryan, this is Athena. Athena, this is Ryan. She lives here." Ashley answers politely. "Nice to meet you." I say shaking his soft hand.

Not long after two other guys come in. One had feminine features: long and puffed up hair. Nose ring also. Filled in eyebrows, and much like lady makeup. The other one was extremely attractive: short, two lips rings on his bottom lip, greenish eyes, from what I see, great smile and beautiful hair.

Ashley introduces them to me. "This is Ricky and Devin." I smile and shake both their hands, not at the same time of course. "I'm Athena." I assure them with friendly smile.

"I liked to be called Ghost." Devin assures me sitting next to Balz. "Okay, Ghost." I say causing him to chuckle. "So what do you guys do in the band?" I question, well any of them.

None of them seem like a singer. "I play the bass." Ghost answers eating some Doritos. "I play the keyboards," Balz pretends to caugh, "the most important part the band." He chokes out.

Me and Ashley laugh while the rest of the guys roll their eyes. "I play the guitar." Ryan states, his deep voice makes it sound attractive to be honest. "As do I." Ricky adds.

"So where's the drummer and singer?" I ask, taking a quick glance outside. "Our drummer is sleeping and didn't want to get out his bunk and our singer was on the phone." Ghost answers.

So there's 6 guys in the band? That's awesome. Wait I don't even know what their band's name is. "What's your band called?" I ask, hopefully nicely. "Motionless in White." Balz tells me.

Motionless in White... I swear I've heard that name before. I think it was from Nathan one day telling me something about it. Hmm. Man! Now this is going to be in my mind all day. Ehh who cares.

"When did you guys start the band?" I ask, just with curiosity. "Well our singer and our former drummer started the band 8 years ago." Josh replies. I make my mouth into a "o" shape to show that I understand.

Familiar voices then come in the doorway. I know this voice, and this face. It's Christopher fucking Cerulli. "Athena?" He questions, standing under the doorway, shocked.


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