19. The Funeral

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Athena Pov

[Music: Save You-Simple Plan]

Chris stands up in front of Caleb's casket, trying to figure what words to say. Everyone is here: my parents, Nathan, the guys, Angelo, Ashley, and Devin's girlfriend, that I just met today.

I don't get why he had to leave so early. He was 6 fucking years old. 6! Why? Why my son? My baby boy? "I only knew Caleb for a couple of days but he was the sweetest kid you could have ever known. He was a happy kid too, never was sad about anything, he was just a positive little kid. He's in a better place now." Chris says then sits back down.

I didn't say thanks, I didn't say anything. I never wanted to be in this position. I wanted him to be at my funeral, not vise versa. Why did it have to be around?

About an hour or so passes by and everyone has said something about him. I've been spacing out the whole time. I couldn't bare hearing what they were saying about him, good or not.

"Athena." Ricky, who was sitting next to me, says shaking my leg a little. "Hmm?" I hum, not being able to say anything. "You're next." He tells me. I look around and see everyone waiting for me.

I sigh at stand behind the podium. "How do I start? He was my son," says myself, tears already begging to shed. My vision goes blurry from my tears, and I continue. "His little smile could light up a whole room, his eyes could see straight into you're soul, it was kind of scary to be honest." I say, earning a small chuckle from everyone.

I sniffle a couple times and resume with my unprepared speech. "I promised him he wasn't going to die," I say, soft and warm tears streaming down my cheeks. "I broke the promise," my lips quiver and it was obvious I was about to burst into tears.

I take a little picture of Chase carrying Caleb when he was born out of my coat and softly set it on his casket. "You're free know baby, say 'hi' to daddy for me." I say then getting up from my knees.

Right when I stood up, fast tears started rolling down my pale and cold cheeks. The first one to hug me was Nathan. I sob and sob and sob into his shoulder. "Why?" I cry out historically.

"I don't know." He whispers, "the world is fucked up in so many ways." He's damn right about that. I finally get myself to stop crying and look at everyone who has looking at me sympathetically.

I force and smile and walk over to them. "I just want to say thanks for you guys coming, it means a lot but I really want to be alone." I tell the guys. They all give me hugs and say goodbye, but Ricky, Chris and Ryan.

"I don't want you alone here for too long okay?" Ricky questions as I hug him. I nod my head yes to say 'ok'. I then hug Ryan. "Stay up kiddo." I again, nod my head. Last but not least, Chris.

I hug him for what seems forever. "Call me when you get home." Then I actually said something, surprisingly. "I will." A small and toothless smile appears and he walks away.

I walk over to my mom and dad. "I really need to be alone." I say, looking at the casket go down. I didn't want anyone here when it went fully down, I'm probably, no, I am, going to be sobbing my heart out.

"Darling are you sure? You really shouldn't be alone." My mom tells me. Did she not just hear me? "Yes mom!" I spat, then feeling sorry for yelling at her. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

She rubs my shoulder and hugs me, followed by my dad. "Bye guys." Them three leave together, their body's disappear into small figures the farther they get.

Once I see that they are fully gone, I sit down on a bench that was next to where the workers are digging the casket.

I can't believe this day actually came. And I really can't believe I'm seeing this with my own eyes: my son in his casket being burried.


I stayed. It's getting dark; it's probably 7 or something --- I don't know and I don't care. They already burried him and I've been sitting on this bench, for hours on end, thinking about all the memories of me and Caleb.

All the times he would be a pain in the butt, all the times he would laugh without anything being funny, all the times he would poop and call for me to help him. I laugh at that particular memory and continue sinking into my thoughts.

Why did it end like this?

Looking at his tombstone, I feel a presence sit next to me. I don't care who the fuck it was, I want them gone. "I'm sorry but I-" I stopped when I made eye contact with this guy, he looks so much like Chase, to much like Chase actually.

Every feature, he had. "Chase?" I question, extremely baffled.


(A/n: I literally cried when writing this chapter omg. If you have a younger brother or sister that you love you could understand I guess.

Ugg anyways, I left you guys a cliffhanger! Hehehe)

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