8. I'm going to miss you too

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(A/n: smut so if you're uncomfortable with that kind of stuff then skip it)

Athena Pov

I lie on my back, in his bed with nothing on. I'm about to do this, and with my best friend. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest.

He's currently putting on a condom. Once he was done he got back on top of me. "Are you ready?" He questions in a low tone of voice that was sexy. I nod my head yes. "If anything hurts, tell me." I bite down on my lip and nod again.

He whispers, "okay" and starts to line up his member with my entrance. I gasp as he starts to enter me very slowly. "Are you okay?" He questions, still entering me. "Y-yeah, keep going." I whisper.

He did as told and at a slow pace, entered me. The further he went, the sharper the pain got. I didn't tell him though. Once he was fully in me, he stopped.

"I'll go soft, I promise." He tells me. I tell him okay and wait for him to start. Soon enough he backs out of me and back into me, still slow. I moan softy as he does that again. "F-faster." I stutter.

He went a little faster, this time he kissed my neck. Continuing to thrust into me, he finds the spot and I moan very loudy. I could feel the smirk as he kissed my neck.

He reapted the thrust and hit the same spot he did last time, again making me moan. It didn't hurt anymore, I loved this feeling. He kisses my lips as his thrusts get even faster causing me to moan into the kiss.

"Right there." I say into the moan. God, he's so good at this. I'm pretty sure he's going full pace because every couple seconds I could feel his member hit my g-spot.

As he continuously thrusts into me, I could feel the knots in my stomach and my thighs tense up. "I think I'm close." I mumble, and again he thrusts into me.

He nods and goes even faster than before making me go crazy. He thrusted one last time before I came. Not long after, he did too. He takes the condom off, throws it away, and lays down next to me while both of us are panting.

I look at him and smile. I just lost my fucking virginity! "Thank you." I whisper. "Honestly, I couldn't imagine losing my virginity to anyone else." I add, looking him straight into his eyes.

He kisses my forehead. "I was you're first time and kiss." He says, very proud of himself. I giggle and grin at him. "Yes, you were." I say in a extremely happy tone.

Wait, I've known him for 4 years now, the only girlfriends he's had is Hailey and Brenda, which was the girl from the pizza place, they dated for a couple months and he didn't sleep with either, well I don't think.

"Who was you're first?" I ask, curious for the answer. "Uh-it-I." He's acting super weird. "You can tell me, I'm you're best friend." I responded. His first time was probably before I met him since he didn't sleep with Hailey or Brenda.

"You." My eyes brighten up. It was me? He was virgin? I was his first? We were both virgins!? Was it going to be Hailey before me? "Say something please." He pleads, obviously worried about what I was going to say.

I smile, making him smile. "I'm flattered." I assure him. He probably thought I was going to say something bad. "For your first time, you're really fucking good." I tell him with a chuckle.

He blushes and shakes his head. "Are we going to tell Ang?" I question. If we are, that would be such an awkward conversation, like, 'oh me and Chris fucked, we thought you should know'. No, not happening.

We both look at each other and nod our heads no. We lay here, in silence, in a 'please, don't go' silence. "Can you believe school's ending in a week?" Chris asks, bringing up the subject I don't want to talk about.

I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah I guess I can." I reply, looking up at the ceiling. "I can't." He adds, looking at me. I didn't look back at him but I could feel his stares at the corner of my eye.

"What are we going to do after high school is over?" He questions. We? I really need to tell him. "Chris, I need to tell you something." I say, still looking up.

I don't know if he's going to be mad, sad, happy, proud, I'm not sure but I don't want to find out. "What is it Athena?" Dammit, his voice already sounds hurt.

"I got a scholarship to SDSU in California." He doesn't say anything. "S-so you're moving over there?" He questions, definitely sad. I didn't want to move other there but I got a fucking scholarship, I'm going to take advantage of it.

I nod my head yes. "But we're going to talk everyday, I promise. And when we go on break I'll come visit." He nods, showing he understands and he engulfs me in a hug.

"I'm proud of you Athena, I really am. I'm just going to miss you." He assures me as I lay on his chest. "I'm going to miss you too." I tell him.

I feel my throat burning from me holding in my cry. I'm going to miss him to much.

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