12. Do you remember me?

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Angelo Pov / Two weeks Later

Here at Burger King with Kelly, I can't help but to stare at this girl. She looks to much like this girl I used to know: Athena. I doubt that's her; she moved to California years ago and this women has a kid, why would she be back?

"Do you know her?" Kelly questions, noticing the odd stares I was giving the lady. "Uhh I'm not sure. I feel like I've known her before. She reminds me of my old friend from high school." I answer, glancing over at the lady again but not turning my head.

She was sitting two tables away from us, her face turning mine. I don't think she notices me since she keeps looking at the playpen that her son, I believe, is in. "Well, why don't you go ask?" Kelly suggests. She's not the jealous type so she doesn't mind when I talk to other females.

I nod my head no. "What if it's not even her?" I could go and look like an idiot if it's not her. "We'll never know. C'mon." She replies, getting up from the seat and pulling onto my arm.

- Athena Pov -

I was watching Caleb play in that huge playpen when I saw someone that I never thought I would see ever again come up to me, Angelo.

His appearance hasn't changed much either. He's with some lady, I'm guessing his girlfriend since she's yanked onto his arm.

Me being speechless, the women said something. "I'm sorry, my boyfriend was curious of your name." I shoot them a confused look. "No no, you just remind me someone from high school. We aren't some sick couple, trust me." He clears out.

I chuckle a bit and say my name. I'm not sure he fully remembers me, I haven't changed much but it's been 8 years. "Athena? Athena Walsh?" He questions with a surprised tone.

I nod my head yes to answer his question. "It's me Angelo! Do you remember me?" He asks, even more surprised than last time. What should I say. Yes? No? Fuck it, I'll just pretend that I'm barely remembering him right now.

"Oh my god! Angelo!" I screech making it sound real. "I'm going to go to the bathroom, you guys catch up." His girlfriend says followed by Angelo saying okay. He sits down next to me and just looks astonished.

To be honest, I feel the same way. "8 years. Wow. How have you been?" He questions. I never thought I would see him again. "I'm okay. I literally just moved down here for my new job." I assure him, not telling him much details from what really happened these past 8 years.

"And you?" I ask with a small high pitched voice. I don't want to talk much about my self. "Great to be honest. A couple months after you left, me and Chris started a band. He's still in it but I quit about 3 years ago, so I work as a tattoo artist." He gladly responds.

That makes two of us, cool. "Mommy this is annoying me again!" Caleb yells coming down from the slide with the backpack. I attempt to make it stop annoying him by moving the tubes around. "Is that better?" He nods his head saying yes.

"Hey there." Angelo says, smiling at Caleb. Caleb gives him a shy smile and wave. "Go have fun." I tell him. He smiles and runs back to the playpen. "If you don't mind me asking, why does he have those tubes?"

I let out a small sigh. "He has cancer." I answer, looking down at the colourful tables we're sitting on. "Oh, I'm sorry." He says sympathetically in a soft voice. I purse my lips and bob my head up and down.

"He's a strong kid. He'll make it through. Sadly his dad didn't." I admit, 'hurt' playing in the tone. "His dad is dead?" He questions, trying not to sound to shock. "Yeah...Chase." I tell him, causing his eyes to basically grow out his head.

He looks around and back at me with his eyes still huge. "Chase from high school? You guys dated?" He shouts, yet whispers. I nod my head yes. "We got married too." He was stunned and it was obvious.

His eyes simmered down. "I'm sorry for your loss." He remarks, now noticing that I said he was gone. "Thank you." I reply with a small grin on my face. "Yeah no problem. So where are you staying?" He questions, changing the my husband is dead subject.

I played along of course. "Not far from here. I'm sure my roommate wouldn't mind if you came over some time. I'll text you the address, just put in your number." I say giving him my phone.

Ashley has been such a cool roommate, or I guess housemate. She said that her boyfriend lives there too but since he's in a band he's touring right now. I never asked what band or anything about him really. I hope he likes kids.

Soon enough both Caleb and Angelo's girlfriend came to us. "Mommy I'm tired." He says with a small and cute yawn. "Yeah and we need to head home Ang." His girlfriend says. We both get up and hug each other.

"It was really nice seeing you again Athena." He says as he puts his hand around his girl's shoulder. "Yeah it really was. And it was a pleasure meeting you...." I pause so she can say her name. "Kelly."

I smile and finish my sentence. "It was a pleasure meeting you Kelly." She smiles and waves as they walk off. I look over at Caleb and motion me head towards the door.

"C'mon let's go home so you can rest." He grabs onto my hand and carries the bag with other. These past two weeks here has been the best. It sucks that Caleb can't go back to school for a couple months but whatever it takes to keep him safe I'll do.


(A/n: I hope you guys are enjoying my story. This now has 100 votes so thank you so much!)

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