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Athena Pov

As I was shifting around in my sleep I felt someone rather close to me. "Caleb scoot over baby." I then realized Caleb is not here making me shoot up.

I rubbed my droopy eyes and noticed that the figure was...Ricky? What is he doing in my bed? Oh wait...

While listening to some music, one particular song comes up, making me think everything over. I dig my face into the pillow and let my tears fall.

Crying myself to sleep. That's the last thing I've been doing every night. I'm getting depressed again...

As I cry, I hear a knock, it was a pretty hard knock due to the loud music. I didn't bother saying anything, it's probably Ashley or one of the guys.

After a brief minute of not saying anything, they come in. My face was still burried into the pillow when the music got lowered. Again, I didn't turn my head.

"Hey." It's Ricky. When I heard his voice I looked up at him. "Ricky, I'm really not in the mood for talking." I tell him, sitting up. I didn't bother wiping the extra make-up on my face.

They are probably going to see me like this everyday. "We don't have to talk." He says, moving a lock of hair out my face and putting it behind my ear. I look at his hand as he does it.

He then wipes the make-up under my eyes with his thumb. "You're so beautiful." He whispers. What's going on? Does he...like me? Wait what am I thinking? Him? Ricky, a guy like him, like me? Pfft yeah right.

"Th-thanks." I stutter, letting a small smile play on my lips. Soon enough he takes off his shirt. My eyes grow huge. What is he thinking?! "What are you doing?" I ask, confused and a little mad.

If he thinks I'm sleeping with him because he called me beautiful then he is way off page. I'm not like that. "I'm not letting you sleep alone." He replies, placing himself next to me in the bed.

"What if the guys think we slept together?" I question as he gets comfortable. "Would it be bad if they did think that?" He questions. I shrug my shoulders. "Goodnight Athena." He says.

I say goodnight back, and we both fall asleep to Arctic Monkeys in the background.


"Athena!" Ricky lightly shouts with his raspy voice. "Yeah?" I question, looking at him laying down. "You okay?" I nod my head yes and stand up.

I didn't say anything else and went into my bathroom. I looked like a complete piece of shit. First I brushed my hair out and put it in a hair tie. Then, I washed my face. I still look like shit, great.

When I walked into my room, Ricky wasn't there. I sat on my bed and looked through my phone to see some text messages from Nathan and my parents. I reply to all their messages.

- Ricky Pov -

As she walks to the bathroom I stretch my body and yawn followed by me putting on my shirt. I could tell she was surprised seeing me in her bed, but someone had to be here for her. Yesterday all of us heard her crying, I couldn't stand it.

Chris supposedly being her "best friend" didn't even think about going to her room. Sometimes I wonder if she has feelings for him. Obviously she wouldn't forgive him that easily if she didn't have a soft spot for him, right?

While I was waiting for her to come back out, I hear someone knocking on her door. I get up slowly, due to me just waking up and open the door. "What are you doing here?" Chris questions, furious.

It shouldn't matter to him, he said it himself that he doesn't have feelings for her. "I spent a night." I say, trying to make it sound like no big deal. Honestly it was. "In her bed?" He asked with one of his drawn on eyebrows furrowed.

I shrug my shoulders. We both knew the answer to that question was a yes. All of sudden I feel his hands wrap around my shirt a little bellow my neck and takes me out her room.

He pushes my back to the wall and gets close to my face. "Look, I don't know what games you're playing but stay..away..from..her, okay? I already had to warn Ryan." He demands, gritting his teeth.

I push him back. "Why does it matter to you what I do with her?" I ask, intentionally crudely. "Because.." he says, not knowing how to finish his sentence. "Because what? It's not you like her."

He gives me the same deadly eyes he did last time, but this time, I gave him the same exact glare. "Stay away. That's all I'm asking you for." He answers back with his voice not as angry as before.

"Sorry Chris, you're not entitled to say what I should or shouldn't do." I reply, speaking my mind. "Fine. If you're going to be with her so am I." I roll my eyes. This is a side to Chris I've never seen.

Athena then comes out her room. "Hey Chris." She says, softly. Her voice has sound the same for the past month now: hurt. We haven't heard one real laugh from her, and no real smiles, not even full conversations.

"Hey Athena." He replies with a solicitous smile. "Athena, want me to take you to get some breakfast?" I ask her. Again, Chris gives me a death glare. "I'll join." Chris adds.

She nods her head no. "I'm going to take my parents to get some breakfast right now once I get ready so I can spend some time before they leave." She answers. I give her an understanding look.

"Can I tag along? I haven't really talked to your family in...forever." Chris questions. Fucking Chris. I'll get him back. "Umm yeah sure. I guess it won't hurt." She remarks, a tiny smile appearing on her face.

Stay away? Should I?

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