25. Was I, Interrupting?

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Athena Pov

It was interesting and entertaining finding out things about Xavier and telling him a little about myself, but honestly I'm happy this date is coming to an end.

"Thanks for tonight." I tell him with a generous smile as we stand outside on the porch, in front of the door. "It was my pleasure." He replies. He then closes his eyes starts leaning in. Is he going to kiss me?

Soon enough the door opens, scaring both me and Xavier. It was Chris --- I'll have to thank him later. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting?" Chris questions, I swear with a little smirk that confused me.

I nod my head no. "Well, I'll call you." Xavier says. I nod my head and smile. He walks to his car and drives off. "Thank you." I sigh out entering the house. He shoots me a very baffled face. "For?" He questions.

"Nothing." I reply, placing myself on the couch to rest. Not long after, he sits next to me. "I thought you were leaving." I point out, looking at him. He shrugs his shoulders. "I was but now I'm not." He answers.

Nothing else was heard until he said, "you look extremely beautiful." I couldn't help but to blush. "It's nice to hear it from someone." I remark, speaking my mind. "Why?" Chris asks. I sigh out and nodded my head no to show him that I'm not answering.

It's not big deal, it's just irritating. "Where's Ashley and Balz?" I ask, avoiding the last subject. "They also went on a date. Balz texted me saying he forgot to feed Toronto and Casper, so I came over and fed them." He answers.

"Are you staying?" I ask, wondering what his answer is going to be. "If you want me to." He says, shrugging his shoulders. Do I want him to? I do, I really do. "I'd love for you stay." I respond, causing a smile to form on both our faces.

I then start to get up. "I'm going to put something more comfortable on, you order some pizza." I tell him. He gladly follows my directions and goes to find the house phone while I go to my room.

Once I put on my Blackcraftcult sweatpants that I ordered online not to long ago and a plain black tank top I go back out to the living room to find Chris putting in a movie in the DVD player.

"What'd you pick?" I ask him, sitting back down on the couch. "The Lost Boys." He answers. I should have known since he does have LOST BOYS tattooed on his hands. Soon enough he sits down very closely to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

I couldn't help it, I snuggled up with him and put my head on his chest. I could last like this forever. The smell of his shirt was sent up my nose and honestly, I loved his smell, as creepy as that sounds.

What am I talking about? I loved his smell? What is wrong with me? Wait, what's the problem? I just love his smell, that's it. And his smile, and his eyes, and his lips, and everything else about him...

Do I like him? Of course I do!

The thing about my feelings is that he will never feel the same about me. I'm just his best friend. These feelings will go away right? They have to if I don't do anything about them. That's what I'll do: nothing.

- Chris Pov -

She lays her head on my chest and I bring her even closer to me. She's so beautiful in every way possible. I'm so crazy over her, I try to make it as less obvious as I can since she will never feel the same way about me.

I wish things weren't this hard. I wish she wasn't liking some other dude. I wish she was mine. At least I have her back in my life again. It's crazy how not a single day in 8 years she wasn't constantly in my mind.

It's been about 2 and a half months she's been here. I'm so glad Ryan-Ashley let her stay here with her and Balz. I hope she doesn't leave again. Why did she ever leave? Should I ask?

"Athena?" I say, trying to grab her attention. What if she left just because she wanted to go to college there and I'm making a big deal out of it? "Yeah Chris?" She responds, now looking at me.

Her beautiful greenish eyes looking through my boring and dull brown ones. I hate how she puts in contacts, her natural eyes are gorgeous. "Can I ask you something?" I question, nervous at the fact that she might get mad at me for asking.

She shakes her head yes. "Was there a reason you didn't stay in Pennsylvania?" She stays quiet and looks down. "Yeah, I had a sister, her name was Marla, she was going to go to that college. That was always her goal. She then died in a car crash, that's when it turned into my goal." She confesses, in a low tone of voice.

I never knew this, I feel so horrible. "Athena, I'm sorry." I whisper. She shakes her head and looks up at me, revealing the tear that was running down her face. "Don't be." She replies.

Using my thumb, I wipe the tear off her face. She's so perfect. I grasp her face with my two hands. Our lips about to connect the doorbell rings --- great fucking timing. I sigh and get up from the couch.

After I got the pizza and paid the guy I placed the pizza on the coffee table that was in front of the sofas and took a piece. I did anything to not have an awkward moment. I sat back down and watched the movie.

I felt her eyes on me. After a while of not looking at her she got a piece of pizza and sat next to me. "This is good." She says, taking another bite of the piece. Finally one of us said something. "Your damn right." I reply making her laugh.

Did she even want to kiss me?

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