22. Wasp

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Athena Pov

I play with my food as Chris and my family talk. "Aren't you going to eat?" Chris questions. He's been observing my every move; he doesn't know that I notice him.

To shut him up I put some egg on my spoon and eat it. Then I give him a small smile. "Happy?" I ask sacarasticly followed by me going back to playing with my food.

"Athena he's worried for you. Just like all of us." My mom assures me. She acts like this is nothing. She knows the feeling of losing a child, she knows it's the worst thing in the world. "Is this an intervention now?" I ask, still not looking at them.

No one said anything back. That's right, stay quiet. "So, Chris, your music. When's the next song coming out?" My dad asks Chris, trying break the silence.

After hearing Chris' stories of tours, I'm extremely proud of him. He said he even toured with Slipknot! Slipknot! One of the bands that I adore. That's amazing!

The only reason I never really knew about Chris and his band is because I wasn't to familiar with social media. I never had a Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter etc. That is until Ashley begged me to make accounts.

"Well actually, I'm writing a song right now. It's probably coming out next month when we go record it in a couple weeks." He answers as he pushes his empty plate aside. I wonder what it's called.

Nathan reads my mind and questions Chris about the song name. "I may have to murder you if you guys tell." Chris jokes earning a laugh from my parents and Nathan --- maybe even a small giggle from me.

"C'mon. Who are we going to tell?" Nathan asks. That is true, my only friends are Ashley, Kylie, and the guys. "Fine fine, it's called Wasp." He admits with a small smile on his lips.

(A/n: sorry guys, I know wasp is in Reincarnate but just pretend it's a deluxe edition thing. Sorry. I needed something that is more about love)

"What is about?" My dad questions. I too, wanted to know what it is about. Chris begins to say something but hesitates. "That I can't tell." He says, a little more serious.

Now I really want to know. "Is it about Athena?" My mom coos making me and Chris blush. Here goes again with the embarrassing questions. Thankfully, the waiter comes over and gives us our check.

Chris being the gentleman he is, offers to pay. My brother being my brother argues with him. My dad being such a big and scary dude also argues but wins of course.

Their argument causing a laugh to escape from my mouth, they all noticed me laughing. "There's the Athena we know." Nathan says what everyone was thinking.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's get going." I think out loud. My dad pays and we walk back to the cab. "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you guys off at the airport myself?" I question, feeling bad for them paying so much.

I know that they only stayed for about 3 days and that they live so far but honestly I can't wait being able not to worry about them. My mom and dad live in Florida now and Nathan lives in New York, which isn't that far from here.

"Don't worry about it. Just be safe." My mom says then hugs me. "Take care of her." My dad tells Chris, again making both of us blush. "Bye dad." I say, trying to avoid that last topic. "Bye sweetheart."

Me and Nathan hug and say our goodbyes. I don't know when's the next time I'm seeing my crazy family. They all say goodbye to Chris and get in the cab.

I wave as the cab disappears out the parking lot of iHop. "Remember when your dad hated me?" Chris questions as we walk back to my car. I chuckle at the memory, "yes" I answer.

I remember when I was so mad at my dad for not liking Chris. Who knew I would be the one not liking, almost hating Chris for a whole week?

We get to my car and I set myself in the drivers seat since I'm the one who drove here. He gets in the passenger seat and buckles his seatbelt. "Can I ask you something?" I ask him as I turn on the car.

"Yeah what's up?" He questions. Asking this question might humiliate the shit out of me or it might bring us closer. "H-have you wrote a song, about uhm me?" I hesitate, driving also.

He takes a brief pause before answering the question. "Yeah, I have." He confirms me. I didn't know what else to say but asking him to play it.

He then gets his phone out his pocket and connects it to the aux cord....why am I so fucking nervous?


(A/n: What song do you think he's going to play?)

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