11. Trying out

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Athena Pov

"No Caleb, you have to keep it on." I tell Caleb as we walk to the tattoo shop. The doctors gave him this thing that gets injected into his arm; it's so they make sure he doesn't get any more seizures.

He's been trying to take it off since Monday but the doctors told me not to let him take it off. These past 4 days has been alright, I just hope he stays like this and doesn't get worse. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

"It's annoying me mommy!" He whines while he pulls onto my arm. "I know sweetie but you have to have it on." I assure him, he groans and continues walking.

We are about 10 minutes away. "Am I going to die?" He questions, taking me by surprise. I kneel down to him. "No baby, who told you that?" I ask. I don't think a question has ever hurt me so much.

I hope he doesn't think like that. "I heard the lady doctors talking and they said that I'm going to die." He says in the softest voice. I shake my head in disagreement. "No baby, you're going to live a long and healthy life." I assure him.

"You promise?" He questions. I swallow down, and try not to choke on my words. "I promise. Now c'mon. I can't be late to this thing."


We finally got to this shop called Frontline and there is so much people here. I haven't got inside the shop and I could already see the people crowded in there.

I open the door for Caleb with one hand and hold onto his backpack for the IV's with the other. All you could hear is the little mumbles and side conversations. "Thank you mommy." I smile at him and also enter the shop.

The good thing is that no one looks at you like you're a freak at tattoo shops. I walk around this little shop and go to the table.

There was 2 beautiful ladies sitting there looking through some papers. "Hello, I'm here for the opening." I say in a friendly and welcoming voice. "Oh hello, I'm Ryan-Ashley but call me Ashley and this is Megan." I shake Ashley and Megan's hand and tell them my name.

Megan looks through some paper work and gives me the 'ahha' face. "Who's this?" Ashley questions waving at Caleb, he was digging his face into my hip. "Oh, this is my son Caleb. Say hi Caleb." He turns to Ashley and smiles.

"Okay, you're actually one of the first ones up. There is a client over there. He'll tell you what he wants and we'll judge it once you're done. Sound fine?" Megan questions smiling the whole time.

I look down at Caleb at look back at them. "I got him. I love kids." Ashley assures me. "Are you sure?" I question. That's super nice of her. "Don't worry about it." She tells me.

"Okay, thank you very much. And can you make sure he doesn't take the IV out?" She nods her head. "You can play games on my phone, you sit there and be good okay?" I tell Caleb, handing him my phone.

He nods and walks over to Ashley. "Good luck." Megan says.


After 4 hours of tattooing a snake onto some guy, I'm done. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. After a while of not tattooing, I did pretty good.

I wait for Megan and Ashley to come over as I wipe the extra ink of his chest. "Alrighty, we're all done." He says thanks and stands up. Caleb came up to me about 2 times but he's sleeping on a couch right now.

About 4 people in the "waiting room" left because it was taking to long and about 10 other people left because their tattoos weren't good enough. That worries me because there was some good tattoos.

"Are you ready?" Megan questions, walking over to us. I clap my sweaty hands and say yes. Ashley had a clipboard in her hand while both of them kept inspecting it. "Honestly, this is one of the best tattoos I've seen today." I smile super hard at Megan's comment.

They keep looking at it and mumble some things that I can't figure out. "Okay, thank you." Ashley tells the guy. He smiles and leaves. Am I not getting paid? "Wait, I thought I was going to get money." I point out.

I'm not moneyholic but I need money to pay the hospital bills. "Well, wouldn't you rather take the job?" My eyes grow huge and my gasp was all you could here. "I got it?!" I shout.

They both chuckle. "Yes." Ashley answers. I hug both of them and thank them about a million of times. "One thing." Ashley says. I look at her ready for her next words.

"There's only opening in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and New Jersey." I did all that for this? I'm never going to be able to pay for the flights! "Don't worry. Everything will be paid for." Ashley says, like if she ironically read my mind.

"Look, I live in Pennsylvania, I will let you and your son stay there until you settle down." Ashley offers. Wow. Should I take it? I dont even know her though.

This can change my whole life. I could start over again. I could pay for the hospital bills. I could gain a friend.

I could do so much things with this opportunity. "Uhh, sure. Why not?" I respond, not long after thinking about the offer. "Great! Pack your things Athena! You're moving to Scranton." She cheers.

Great, I'm going back to a place that holds shit loads of memories.

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