17. Friends Again

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Athena Pov / After Appointment

The appointment was quick all they did was put more of the IV liquid into the pouch. The thing that worried me was that the doctor said that he lost 2 pounds and I've been feeding him the same amount I always do.

"Do want to go get some breakfast?" Chris questions as I get in the passenger seat. I look back at Caleb who is probably hungry and nod my head yes. He asks me where to and I tell him McDonald's.

All you could hear during the ride is the soft music playing from the radio. "So Caleb, do you have any friends here at school?" Chris questions, trying to make conversation with him.

"He doesn't go to school." I assure him, looking at the road pass by. All he said was oh. Nothing else was said for the whole ride until we got there.

"Do you guys know what you want?" He asks as he opens the door for us. "Yeah, two delux." I answer while getting in the small line. He says "okay" and stands by us.

We wait about 2 minutes until it was our turn to order. "Oh my god you're Chris Motionless!" The girl behind the counter screeches. She's probably in her early 20's. "I never knew you we're a dad. What a cute family you have." I quickly nod my head no.

"Oh no, this is my son. He's just my...." what do I say? Are we even friends? "I'm her close friend." Chris answers for me, looking at me straight into my eyes.

I blink a couple times to try to distract myself from his eyes, but I couldn't look away. "Oh, well, what you guys like?" The worker questions, taking Chris' attention away from me, fortunately.

He orders and we get our number and sit down outside. "Mommy can I go play?" Caleb questions pointing at the playpen. "Yeah but don't take the needle out okay?" He nods and climbs up the slide.

"You're a great mother, you know that?" Chris asks while playing with the receipt. "I've been told." I reply looking at Caleb playing. Chris sighs out. "I know you're mad at me Athena but I just want to make things right with you." He admits.

I look over at him and the hurt expression on his face. "I was telling you that I missed you and you go and lash out on me. What did I do for you to do that?" I ask, madness in my voice.

"You didn't do anything, I was being a huge dickhead. Just, please forgive me?" He pleads. What should I do? I've dealt 8 years without him and I was perfectly fine, what would make any difference?

As I was thinking, our number gets called up. "I'll get it." Chris says then gets up. Maybe, I'll be even happier if I'm his friend again, but what if something goes wrong and messes everything up and he's gone again?

He's a touring musician, I bet he's not even here most of the time. I call down Caleb so he can eat, me being his mother, he obeys. "What's the tall guy's name?" Caleb questions.

"Chris, why?" I tell him as he sits. "He's nice and funny. When you were in the bathroom he told me a funny story." He says, resting his head on his arm. "Really? What did he say?" I ask, just a little curious.

Chris then comes with the food. "Tell me later." I whisper. He nods and giggles. His little giggle making me laugh. "A deluxe for you." Chris says giving Caleb his plate. "And a deluxe for you." He repeats, giving me my plate of food.

"So where's dad?" Chris questions Caleb. I quickly nod my head no but Caleb already answered the question. "Daddy was sick so he went bye bye but he's coming back. Right mommy?" He says happily looking up at me.

I give him a small smile and say yes. "Oh, I'm sorry." Chris says, knowing that Caleb doesn't know what happened. I never really knew how to tell Caleb that his dad was gone forever.

I remember the day he asked me where his dad was. He was coming home from preschool.

I wait for Caleb to come out the bus. Right when I saw he was crying I ran over to him to check if he's hurt. "What's wrong Caleb?" I ask panicky.

"The-these kids t-told me that I-I don't have a daddy a-and I said yes I do, but I l-lied. I'm a bad bad person mommy." I engulf him in a hug to comfort him.

It kills me everytime he mentions something about his dad. "You're not a bad person Caleb. You're a great person. You're daddy was sick so he had leave, but you will always have a daddy." I tell him as he sobs into my chest.

"Is coming back?" He questions, with a little hope in his heart that he will have a dad again. I can't lie to him, but he's to young to know the truth. "Yes baby. Someday, c'mon let's get you inside."

-flashback over-

That was 2 years ago and I still remember the day perfectly. "When is he coming back?" Caleb asks, taking me out of this daze. "Uhh, one day." He smiles at my response and continues to eat.

Chris mouths the words, "I'm sorry", and I mouth back, "it's fine." It's the same old thing every time, they ask who the dad is or where he is, I say he's gone and they always say sorry for bringing it up.

"So, do you forgive me?" Chris questions, out of nowhere. What do I have to lose? Everything, I have everything to lose. "Y-yes." I then see a smile I haven't seen in years.

I've missed that smile so much.


(A/n: Thank you so much for 1k reads!!!! I love you guys!!

Oh and go read my new story Forever and Always pleeeasseeee?!?!? Love you!)

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