16. You look nice

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Athena Pov

A week has passed since that whole situation with Chris happened, and honestly, I can't stop thinking about him. The guys came over yesterday and I met Vinny too but no sign of Chris.

I know I said I hated him but I don't really. Of course I'm still mad at him, no, I'm more than mad but I don't hate him. What does it matter to him? He said it himself that I'm beyond stupid for ever liking him. I was just a friend.


I sit here looking at Caleb sleeping. It's 10pm and he's passed out. My son is my life, he has been for the past 6 years; I can't lose him like I did with Chase.

I miss Chase...

I never really believed in the he's watching over you and the he's protecting you thing but honestly I feel like he is watching over us, and it makes me smile.

In 2 months on the 5th is going to be the day he died. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it this year but last year I was a complete wreck.

I hear a knock on my door, distracting me from my thoughts. I didn't even know I was crying until I looked at myself in mirror. I curse under my breath and wipe whatever makeup was under my eyes.

Not being in the mood to talk to anyone, I still open the door regardless of my feelings. It was...Chris. I gasp a little at his presence and said the first thing that I could think of.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, folding my arms. He sighs and looks down at his shoes, he was sorry. He looks back up at me, "I came here to --- where you crying?" My eyes grow just a tad bit just from being surprised and looked down.

Just say no Athena, that's all you have to do. I listen to my thoughts and tell him no. "Bull. What's wrong?" He questions. I reply with furrowed eyebrows and, "I don't have to tell you."

"Look, I'm sorry for saying all those things to you. You're none of those things I called you. I was just mad that-" I cut him off, I'm not letting him finish that sentence, "mad that I what? Continued on with my life? Went to college because I could? Or are you mad that I couldn't stay and do absolutely nothing with you?" I spat, surprising both me and him.

I don't know why I said all those things, but I'm not taking it back. "Is that what you thought? You thought I was holding you back? I'm sorry if you thought like that because that was the last thing I was trying to do." He admits, hurt at my comment.

I sigh and sit on my bed. "No, it's not what I thought. I just don't know Chris. I think it's better if you go home, I need to wake up early tomorrow to go to the hospital, I need sleep." I tell him, wanting him to go home.

"What time?" He questions. "8." I respond, not knowing why he asked what time. "I'll be here at 8 then." He replies then walks out, not letting me say anything. Okay?


It's 7:39am and me and Caleb already took a shower and got ready. It was hassle since he's not a morning person but I managed to do it. I got ready before him so it was little easier.

"Mommy, why are we going to the hospital again?" He questions, kicking his legs as he sits on corner of the bed. I'm probably going to buy his own bed when I get my paycheck next week.

"So you could feel better." I answer, trying to make it sound as normal as I can. "But I feel okay." He groans. I know he feels okay, but that's only temporary. "I know honey, it's sucks and it's boring but we have to go." I assure him as I put in my red contacts.

Our old doctor from San Diego recommended that we should go at least twice a month to the hospital for check ups. Thank goodness that Caleb's insurance covers over here at the hospital we go to now, if not I would be dead, financially.

As I put in my second contact I hear a honk outside. "C'mon little boy." I say reaching out my hands out towards him. He takes it and we head out the house. Chris' car was parked outside waiting for us.

I put Caleb in the back seat followed by me getting in the passenger seat. "Hey Caleb." Chris says looking in the mirror towards Caleb. How does he even know his name? I never told him.

"Hi." Caleb shyly replies. "Can we just start going now? I don't want to be late." I ask resting my head on my palm, looking out of the window. "You look nice." He tells me while he backs out the driveway.

I didn't say anything and stayed looking out the window. I want him to know I'm still mad at him.

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