7. I'm positive

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Athena Pov

Here at this stupid dance, Chris left me for his stupid little girlfriend. She's probably talking 'slut' to him right now. He does honestly look great, in his white dress shirt, black tie and skinny jeans. He stands out from every other guy.

I sit here completely alone at the table looking at the couples, enjoying their night, kissing, laughing, hugging, holding, loving each other.....

I sigh and get up from the table. I don't need this. I'll just walk home. As I walk through the school hallways, I accidentally bump into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." The guy firgure says.

I know this guy! He's in one of my classes. His name is Chase. I have chemistry with him, I believe. He has dark brown hair that is quiffed up. He has hazel eyes, and a beautiful smile.

"It's fine." I say quietly, showing the side to me that is hurt. "What's wrong?" Chase asks me, shocking me a little that he cared. I never really talked to him since I was always with Chris.

It's the last week a school, why not tell him? "I came here alone and Chris totally blew me off so now I just want to go home, get out this stupid fucking dress that I paid hundreds for and eat some fucking ice cream!" I rant, starting out in a whisper but escalating to a shout.

He looks at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that you're not enjoying your prom night. If it makes you feel any better, I was supposed to go with my girlfriend but she died yesterday." My mouth drops.

He then starts laughing. "I'm just fucking with you." I let out a sigh of relief and start laughing with him. "She's died last week." I stop laughing as my heart literally stops and just look at him.

"You're to gullible." I roll my eyes and slap his arm playfully. "By the way, you look really nice." He assures me making my cheeks burn. "Th-thank you." I stutter, followed by him chuckling.

He's so sweet, why haven't I talked to him before? Well now it's to late to get to actually know him. Wait, why would he want to be friends with me?

"I'm going to go back. Have a good night." He tells me. I smile and nod, letting him get back to the party or dance, whatever, until I hear Chris call for me.

I ignored it and kept walking down the empty hallway. He caught up to me and pulled on my arm. "Where you going?" He questions me with his dull yet beautiful eyes.

"Home." I say sternly. Yes, I felt bad for giving him attitude but he shouldn't have even brought me along. "Why?" He asks, sadness in his voice. "Because I'm sitting there alone while you're having a great time with Heather." I know that's not her name but I don't give a fuck.

I should have never wasted my time and came honestly. "We just broke up." He tells me. Fuck, now I feel like a total bitch. "Oh Chris I'm sorry." He shakes his head and smiles.

"Don't worry, wasn't really feeling it. C'mon let's go to my house and eat some pizza or something. Everything is boring here anyways." We interlace our arms together and walk out this stupid place.


"So how'd you guys even break up?" I ask as we sit on his couch. His mom was out and his dad was at work so we are alone. "She was acting like a total whore so I told her to stop and she got mad and broke up with me." He answers, not even hurt.

I never really saw them going anywhere anyways. "She's been a whore since she got to that school." I say, adding a laugh. He laughs with me.

"Remember the first day we met at school?" He questions. I nod my head yes. I remember that day like it was yesterday. "That guy called you a slut, why?" That's a weird question. All I do is shrug my shoulders. "Why?"

"Because, I've never really seen you talk to a guy." All that comes out my mouth is 'oh'. "Have you had a boyfriend before?" He questions out of nowhere.

I stayed quiet. "You can tell me this stuff." He assures me. I sigh out. "No I haven't, I haven't even had my first kiss." I admit. I'm 18 and the only guys I have kissed are Nathan and my dad, and that was only on the cheek.

He doesn't say anything, getting me a little worried. What if he thinks I'm pathetic? All of sudden, I feel his pierced and thin lips on mine. I pull away. "W-what are you doing?" I question in a small whisper.

"Kissing you." Again he attacks my lips with his. "Chris, I need you to do something for me." I whisper. This might be horrible what I'm about to say. "Hmm?" He hums.

C'mon Athena, I can do this. "Take my virginity." He looks at me shocked. Fuck. "Are you sure?" He asks. I nod my head head yes.

"I'm positive."


(A/n: don't worry! I'm continuing it! Not just going let it stop there (; I'll update in the morning I promise!

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