23. The past is the past, and I'm letting it kill me

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Athena Pov

The music starts and I'm already impressed; I haven't even heard the lyrics yet.

How many years have passed me by
Since I've stopped to take a look at all the changes in my life?
So many friends have come and gone
But all those summer nights still burn inside my lungs
I hope you will not forget this either

And I bet I'm not the only one who thinks
I'm stuck in the past with all the friends I am losing
I regret not holding on to it closely
The past is the past, and I'm letting it kill me

If I just had one wish I'll tell you what it'd be
I'd bring back all the bands inside the dome
And one last time we'd have a fucking show
Life is what you make it, what you make it and I believe in this
What happened to the familiar faces that I've come to miss

And I bet I'm not the only one who thinks
I'm stuck in the past with all the friends I am losing
I regret not holding on to it closely
The past is the past, and I'm letting it kill me

This sinking ship can't hold much water!
How much longer?
How much longer?
Until these lights are dead and gone
I will scatter the ashes of what's left of this place that I call home

And I will scatter the ashes of this former life, this place that I call home
And fight this fatal attraction
Just to sit inside and hang my head too low

Living in shadows of scars
The past defines just who we are

And I bet I'm not the only one who thinks
I'm stuck in the past with all the friends I am losing
I regret not holding on it closely
The past is the past and I'm letting it kill me

The past lives!

The music stops and I'm in total shock. The song was so good and so....about me. "Um, Angelo was in the band at the time, when we uh recorded this." He tells me, breaking the silent moment.

I went along with the conversation. "He, did good." I say awkwardly. He takes a short sigh. "Fuck this. I missed you. I missed you so much I made a fucking song okay? I don't want anything to be awkward. I want us to be like how we were before. Best fucking friends! I want to be able to make you laugh, I want to be able to annoy you. Let me in please." He pleads as I stop at a red light. Me being surprised, looked at him.

I don't know why, but I smiled. "You're smiling, that's a good thing." He says excitedly. "I missed you too Christopher." I reply as I continue driving.


"How? Why? But? You cheated didn't you?" He shouts, due to me winning him at Mario Karts for about the millionth time. We decided to go to his house and play some games instead.

For the first time in I don't even know, I feel, okay. Not sad, okay. "Yeah. I totally cheated." I say sarcastically with a tiny laugh. As we laugh I get a phone call.

"See, the world knows you cheated. They're coming for you." He remarks noticing the phone call. I laugh and answer my phone.


"Hello? Athena?"

I recognized the voice; it's Xavier.

"Xavier?" I question.

"Yeah, how are you?"

"I'm, better." I answer truthfully.

"That's great. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem, anyways, this might be to straight forward but I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" Did he just ask me out on a date?

"Uh, yeah sure. How's tomorrow?"


"Great. I'll text you my address and time."

"Alrighty, bye Athena."


I hang up the call and put my phone down. I didn't actually think he was going to call; that's why I'm so surprised he did. "What was that all about?" Chris questions, coming from the kitchen.

Should I tell him? Why shouldn't I? Since he is my "best friend" again, I kind of have to tell him. It's not like he's going get jealous or anything. "I have a date." I reply.

"With?" He questions, in a voice that I have never heard from him. "This guy I met yesterday." I answer, suspicious at his attitude. "Oh, well, have fun." He says in monotone.

"Yeah okay. C'mon let's get back to playing." I say, waving the Wii remote control around in my hand. He smiles and jumps back down on the couch.

I like this Chris more. Happy Chris.

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