15. Need a hug?

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Athena Pov

I just told Ricky everything and honestly it felt great. I'm pretty sure the only reason I told him is because I'm super vulnerable. My head was going to explode from keeping everything in.

I'm not sure why he came in my room but I'm glad he did. "Need a hug?" He questions. I softly giggle and nod my head yes. I wrap my hands around his torso and embrace his hug. As I move back to the postion I was in, Caleb wakes up.

"Hey baby, wake up." I tell Caleb as his eyes flutter open. "Who's that?" He questions, rubbing his eyes with one hand and pointing at Ricky with the other. "Well if you get up I'll tell you." He slowly gets up.

Ricky has a smile plastered on his face. "Hi Caleb. I'm Ricky." Ricky says waving at him. Caleb being Caleb, politely waves back. "Are you mommy's boyfriend?" Caleb questions. My mouth drops. "No Caleb, he's my friend." I reply as Ricky chuckles.

"Can you check if Chris is still here?" I ask Ricky, standing up from the bed. I don't want to go back out there if he's here. I hate him! How could he say that to me? Calling me retarded!? Who does that?

Ricky nods his head then leaves the room. About 2 minutes later he comes back and tells me he's not there, good. I don't want him here.

I take Caleb's hand. "C'mon I want you to meet some of mommy's friends and none of them are my boyfriend okay?" I tell him with a small laugh. "Will they like me?" He questions nervously. I kneel down to him.

"Of course they are going to like you. Everyone likes you and if they don't like you then something is wrong with them." I assure him, causing a smile to appear on his face. "You're a really good mother." Ricky tells me.

Now it's my turn to smile. "Thanks." I reply. Us three walk into the the kitchen. "Hey, you okay?" Ryan questions. I flash him a smile to show that I am. "Yup, sorry I caused a scene." I tell everyone.

Everyone smiled. "Well, this is my son Caleb." I announce to everyone, trying to bring up the mood of the night. "You're a mom?" Ghost questions, making me laugh a bit. "You bet." I say with a playful wink.

"A good one too." Ricky adds, again bringing a smile out of me. "I'm Ryan." Ryan says, with a cute smile. Everyone in this band is so God damn attractive. "I'm Balz!" Balz yells from the kitchen eating some wings me and Ashley cooked.

We all laughed at his stupid yelling. "I'm Ghost." Ghost assures him while sitting back down since he was in the kitchen. "Well Vinny and Chris went home so you'll meet Vin some other time." Balz tells me.

I nod my head and look back at Caleb. I don't even to hear the name.....I don't even want to think about the name. "Hey, do you and Caleb want to go get some ice cream with me? My treat." Ryan questions. I look at Caleb for his answer.

"Yes! Pleaseeeee?" Caleb begs. I laugh and say yes. Both Caleb and Ryan cheer. "C'mon little kids."

- Chris Pov -

'What is wrong with me? Why would I tell her that she's dumb and retarded? What the hell was I thinking?' Kept playing in my mind. I'm on my way back to say I'm sorry.

I don't know what came over me when I told her that. I was just mad that she left in the first place but she had to leave, it was for her sake. She had the right to leave --- who am I to tell her she should have never left?

I park in Balz' and Ashley's driveway and quickly get out. I don't bother knocking and just walk in. "Where's Athena?" I ask. The one who mostly looked mad was Ricky.

- Ricky Pov -

"Where's Athena?" Chris questions. It angers me that he has the balls to just ask for her like nothing happened. It also angers me even more that she basically went on date with Ryan.

Ryan doesn't just ask a girl to go on a date with him, there's always something that he feels for the girl. Does he like her? I mean, I don't like her, well I don't think, but she's going to end up getting hurt.

"Out with Ryan." I say, with a little attitude, enough for him to notice. I heard him cuss under his breath and walk out the house without any other word. I decide follow him out.

He leans on his car and takes a couple breaths in and out, I've never seen him like this. He's my brother, I can't hold a grudge against him forever. "She means a lot to you, doesn't she?"

He looks at me and says yes. "I'm such an asshole!" He yells while running his hand through his hair. "Yeah you are." He shoots me a death glare. "Hey, that doesn't mean you can't fix it. Just let her cool off then talk to her." I reply, trying not to get punched by him.

"Yeah, your right. Thanks Rick." I gave him a bro hug and said 'no problem'. I'm still mad but I can't get in between someone's relationship, if that's what you even call it.

Wait, he doesn't like her --- why not make a move?


(A/n: Hey loves! I just published chapter one of my new story Forever and Always. It would mean a lot if you would read and vote!)

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