2. I Usually Sit In The Back

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Athena Pov

Once the bell rung I waited for everyone to exit the class. It's sickening how all these people think they're the shit when really they're just a piece of shit.

Right when I walked out of class I saw Chris leaning on the wall looking the other way. "Hey." Says myself, trying to get his attention. He looks at me and smiles. "C'mon, we have History." He assures me, motioning his head towards the other classes.

As we start walking he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I feel myself blushing like an idiot. "You don't look like a freshman." I point out, trying to stop blushing. "I'm a sophomore but 9th and 10th graders share classes therefore the 11th and 12th graders share classes." He explains as we walk into an almost empty class.

"I usually sit in the back." I tell him, making my way to the back seat. "Well so do I." He says with a wink. I chuckle and sit down, him being right next to me.

He then scoots his chair next to mine. "So, what brought you to this shitty school?" He questions, resting his chin on his fist. "My dad is a business man so we always have to move so he can grow the business. I hate it but I have no say in his decisions." I assure him.

"Where have you guys lived before?" He asked. I can't even count all the places. "We just came from Florida, we lived there for a whole year. That was actually the longest we've ever stayed at a place, but anyways we've lived in Texas, New York, New Jersey, Arizona, all types of places." I inform him. His eyes grow huge just from me naming 4 places; that's nothing, that was only in one year.

The the rest of the students then storm in. Half of them looking at me and Chris like we're zoo animals. "We have 2 emo trash now, yayy." One girl says to the other girl who was sitting in front of Chris.

I tap on her shoulder making her turn around. "Maybe you should shut your main stream, stupid prep girl, pink ass looking face before I shut it for you." I suggest, well demand. She looks at me in shock for actually stepping up to her.

Does anyone else not have balls to do it? She flips her hair and turns back to the front. "Whatever." She says in that annoying girly girl voice. I look over at Chris and smile. He gives me a thumbs up.

The teacher then comes in. "Okay, students. Settle down." The teacher says. Chris moves back to his spot making me frown.

*** lunch ***

After 5 long and boring periods it was finally lunch. "I'd like you to meet someone." I gave him a worried look. Obviously I'm not great with people I don't know. "Don't worry, he's like us." He confirms me making me calm down.

I nod my head. We walk over to a table with some other guy who was sitting alone reading a book. "Ang." Chris says, getting the attention of the guy. "Who's this?" He questions, looking at me.

(A/n: I don't think Ang and Chris met in high school but I don't care)

He looked more normal than me and Chris, but not normal enough to be like the rest of the students. "Athena." I answer for Chris. "New here?" I nod my head yes. "Well I'm Angelo but call me Ang." He says in a friendly way.

Chris sits down followed by me. "This is the most friends I've met in one day." I tell them with a small chuckle of disappointment. I know I'm not the basic pretty girl but even when I looked normal I couldn't make any friends.

It was always hard for me. "Tell me about it. I was alone for all of last year until I met Ang." Chris says. I don't see why he doesn't have more friends, he's a great guy.

"We have each other though, right?" Chris questions. I grin and nod my head yes. "Right." I say still smiling, looking into his beautiful brown eyes.


The day was over and I found out that I have period 7th & 8th with Ang so the only period I'm alone is 1st which made me really happy. I'm with Chris and Ang right now standing in front of the school.

Ang was asking Chris if he could go over to Chris' house. "Yeah, but don't hit on my mom this time dude." Chris tells Ang making me laugh. "Fine." Ang groans.

"Well, I'm going to go. Thanks for today guys. It means a lot." I tell them fixing the strap on my bag. "You don't want us to walk you home?" Ang asked motioning his hand between him and Chris.

Should I let them? "You don't have to it's fine." They both tilt their heads causing me to laugh again. "C'mon, well make the walk worth it." Chris pleads. "Since you're begging then finneee." They both cheer in victory.

I roll my eyes and chuckle to myself. "Let's go before my brother burns down the house." I tell them. With that we start walking.

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