18. My everything is gone

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Athena Pov

"You have to fucking kidding me." I mumble as I look through the empty refrigerator. Me and Ashley just went grocery shopping yesterday, fucking Balz. I sigh out and grab my car keys.

Once I had my shoes on, I knocked on Ashley and Balz door. "What may I assist you with?" Balz questions, standing under the doorway with his hand rested up.

He's so stupid. "I'm going to go to the store real quick since you ate all the food, can I leave Caleb with you guys?" I ask, hoping he says yes.

I really don't want to wake him up. Balz scoffs and flicks his wrist (flicka da wrist, sorry). "Girl please. We got him. Now go and get food." I laugh and shake my head.


'Cheese' check.

'Eggs' check.

'Bacon' check.

'Frozen wings' check.

As I look through the list of things we need on my phone, my cart bumps into someones else cart. To whom to my surprise? Chris. Of course Chris.

"Hasn't anyone told you 'no texting while shopping'?" He teases. It's only been a couple of days since I saw him, which was when he picked me up from the house. "No, no one hasn't." I reply in a serious tone of voice.

I try not to laugh but fail, causing him to laugh. "Now, I would like to get back to shopping before Balz gets hungry and eats my son." I joke, but with a hint of 'go away Chris'.

"I'll just shop with you." He says, with a innocent, yet evil smile that I fall for each time. "Fine, fine." He smiles in victory. We both continue to stroll the isles of a Wal-Mart, looming around for cheap and good tasting food.

We go to the chips, ice cream, drinks, cookies, everything. As we roam around the area with all the poptarts, jellos, etc I get a call on my phone. The caller ID said Ashley. It's probably Balz asking for something.


Instead of a nice hello I hear crying.

"Ashley, what's wrong?"

No response.

"Ryan-Ashley, you're worrying me."

"Caleb's not waking up."

My heart stops. My lips start to quiver. My hands start to shake. "I'll be right over." I say, quietly, yet with all the force I had. "I have to go." I tell Chris then start running through the store.

Him following me he catches up to me as we enter the parking lot. "What's wrong?" He questions while running. I ignored him and ran to my car. I couldn't open the door since my hands were shaking to much.

"What's going on?!" He repeats. One tear droplet falls and I finally open the door. "He's not waking up." I reply getting in the driver's seat. "Fuck this, I'm going with you." He says then quickly runs over to the other side of the car.

Right when his door closed I drove the fuck off with me not trying to sob. "So tell me again what's happening." Chris demands while I drive over the limit. "Caleb! It's Caleb! He's not waking up!" I yell, making him flinch.

"Athena, I'm sorry-" he did not just say he's sorry. "No! You're not sorry! He's a fighter, he's going to be okay!" I shout back.

As I speed through the streets, I get pulled over by a cop. "Fuck!" I yell slamming my fist against the steering wheel. I pull to the side and impatiently wait. "Ma'am do you know why you got pulled over?" The cop with a notebook questions.

"Yes I was speeding! But my son is at home and he's not waking up! Please let me get home!" I beg, tears streaming down my face at the thought of Balz and Ashley trying to wake him up.

"What's your address?" He questions. I tell him my address. "Send in paramedics to S. 9th Ave, house 46." The cop says into his little thing in the side of his shoulder. "I'll escort you there." I tell him a thanks a million times before we start going again.


I storm in the house and straight into the room. There was Balz and Ashley huddled over him. "Athena, I don't know what happened, I was going to wake him to wash himself up before you came but he doesn't budge." Ashley tells me, scooting away from him.

He was on my bed, so pale, so...lifeless. I pull him close to me and just, cry. "Caleb, please please please wake up. I already lost Chase, I can't lose you." I sob. The paramedics basically pry him off me.


I sit here, not knowing what the doctors are doing to my son. All the guys are here, Chris has been trying to make me to talk but what can I say? The only noises that are escaping my mouth are my cries and sobs.

He made it through last time, he's going to make it through this time too. "You haven't ate Athena, want me to get you something?" Ryan asks. I nod my head no, his response was a small sigh.


Hours pass by and absolutely nothing. None of the guys have gone home either. I haven't ate since yesterday, I would usually be hungry by now but I'm just like my baby boy right now, lifeless.

"He's going to be okay." Ricky tells me, while rubbing my shoulder. "Caleb Walsh's mother?" A doctor questions, looking around. I shoot up from my seat. "Is he okay? What happened?"

He sighs out and puts his hand on my shoulder. No, no. That's not a good sign. "What? Where's my son?" I ask, now with much anger.

"He's gone, Mrs. Walsh. I'm sorry."

- Ryan Pov -

We all sit in the waiting room, waiting for Athena to come back with some good news about Caleb when her voice was over heard in the hallways.

"No! He's not! Where's my son? He can't be! Why didn't you save him?" At first it started with yells but ended with cries. We all looked at each other in disbelief.

Chris walks over to where the doctor lead her to. After about 3 minutes or so they both came back; his arms were wrapped around her as she cries.

"He's gone." She says, crying. Everyone sighs and looks down. "My son, my everything is gone." She sobs. I stand up and walk over to her. "I'm so sorry Athena." All of a sudden, I feel her arms wrap around me.

I didn't hesitate to hug her back. "Shhh shh. He's not suffering any more." I tell her. I couldn't imagine loosing my sister, or any of these guys.

"I'm sorry." I whisper again into her ear. Is it wrong that I'm totally head over heals with this girl?


(A/n: AHH MAA GAWWDD baby Caleb is gone! Sorry!)

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