28. Wasted

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Athena Pov / 3 Weeks Later

"Shh shh. Do you hear that?" I say to Xavier as I lie on his bed face down with my knees and elbows holding me up, exposed from top to bottom. "Fuck." He says, pulling out of me since we were...ya know.

I flip over to be on my back and see him putting on his jeans. "What's going on?" I question confused. Soon enough some lady comes in the room, scaring me. I pull the covers over me and look over at Xavier who was as surprised as I was.

"What the fuck Alex? Who is she?" She yells with a Mexican accent. I'm more than confused right now. "Baby, I'm so sorry." My eyes grow huge. "Wait what?" I yell, standing up with the covers still on me.

She looks at me with the most deadliest eyes ever. "Who are you?" She questions me. I ask her the same exact question. "I'm his wife, Laura." She says, sticking up her hand with a big diamond ring on it.

"But you told me your wife and kid died, Xavier." He looks at me then at her, worried at her next choice of words. "Who's Xavier?" She questions. I answered by looking at him with my deadly eyes.

She was no longer mad at me, she has furious at him. "I'm sorry Laura, I thought you were going to be gone longer." Me and her both scoff. I grab my clothes off the floor and take them into his bathroom with me to change quickly.

After I was done changing I went back into the room to see them arguing. "I'm sorry for all of this, I didn't know he was a married man, for fucks sake, I didn't even know his name was Alex." I tell the lady, probably soon to be his ex wife.

She gives me an understanding look. At least I'm not getting killed by her. "Bye, you dick." I tell Xavier, well Alex, right before I left the room. At least it gave me a reason to leave him.


Fuck, that burns. I've been none stop taking down shots of all different types of drinks and liquor at this bar. I'm pretty sure I'm drunk. I don't even know..

"I mean, we were nothing but fuck buddies but that hurts. He lied, saying his family died. My family died." I complain to the bar tender while slurring my words. "Honey, I think it's time for you to go home. Do you have anyone to call?" She questions.

I laugh and shrug my shoulders. "I want Chris to take me home." I tell her, with my eyes halfway shut. "Call Chris then." She says polity. "You know what? I will. I'm going to tell him everything."

Struggling to put in my password, my phone finally unlocked and I went to Chris' contact. I'm going to text him. What do I say?

- Chris Pov -

It's 2am in the night and my phone keeps vibrating. God dammit, who could be texting me at this time? I bet it's one of the guys trying to annoy me. Well, it's working.

Athena: hty Vhrisyyyy! I'm sso npt drunk.rught now lol

Athena: tje lsdy is telling mw to go hpms byt yoi said no drunl dribing

Athena: look

Athena: oksy byeer

Fuck. I sit up and push the call button, hopping she isn't driving. She quickly answered, relieving me a little bit but not to much. "Heyyyyyy Chris!" She slurs.

She's wasted as fuck. "Athena, where are you?" I ask her, a mad tone in my voice. There's only two bars in Scranton, she's either at one of them. "Hey lady! Where am I?" She yells.

Now I could see why they wanted her to go home. "I'm at Janks' Bar." She says then giggles. "Janks, that's a funny weird." I sigh and tell her that I'm going to go for her. She laughs and tells me, "okay! I'll be here!"


Once I got in the bar I saw Athena playing with some other dude's hair while he takes shots with his friends. I shake my head and walk over to her. "C'mon Athena, let's get you home." I say, pulling onto her arm, not to roughly though.

"Your not Chris!" She yells then stumbles off the stool. "Chris has eyebrows!" Everyone who was not drunk looks at her like she's crazy. "There's nothing to look at. Get back to doing whatever you were doing." I tell everyone.

I again try to grab her. "There's pizza in the car." I lie to her. Her face lights up and starts running to my car. Why me? I put her in the back and she starts looking for the pizza. I close the door and give the angry Devin the car keys to her car.

"You owe me." He tells me, getting in the driver's seat. "She owes you." I tell him and get back to my car. "There's no pizza! You liar!" She says as I turn on the car. I ignored her and starting driving.


After a long and an annoying drive, she fell asleep about 5 minutes before we got to her house. Devin got here before us so he's been waiting in her car.

I turn off the car and take off my seatbelt. Let's see how this turns out. Once I got out the car I tried waking her up be she was passed out on so many levels. I'll have to carry her.

Carrying her bridal style, Devin notices and runs over to us to ring on the doorbell. "Do you know what happened?" He asks. I nod my head no.

Not long after the door opens. "What are you doing here?" Balz questions with his eyes squinted. "She was drunk." I tell him. I then enter without him telling me it's fine and take her to room followed by me putting her on her bed.

I take off her shoes and put a blanket over her. "Night Athena." I whisper then kiss her forehead softly. "Chris?" She whispers as I was about to exit her room. I walk back to her and say, "yes?"

"I'm sorry. For everything." I run my hand through her hair and again kiss her cheek. She falls back asleep and I leave. Even when she's drunk, she's absolutely perfect to me.

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