34. Sing Me To Sleep

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Athena Pov / 3 Years Later

"Can you believe we've been together 4 years?" I question Chris, looking at my beautiful 5 month daughter, Madeleine sleeping. "Yes because it has been the best 4 years of my life." He answers.

I smile and give him a kiss. "You're the best husband in the world." I compliment him. We got married last year; people say it was to soon but honestly it was the best decision of my life. "You're the best wife and mother in the world."

And the luckiest girl in the universe. "What are we going to today?" I ask him. "Hmm, barbeque with the guys?" He suggests. That sounds fun, it would be nice to have some full family time. "Alright, let's go to the store then." I say, standing up.


All the guys got here right when Chris texted them. Balz and Ashley brought Casper and Toronto to play with Madeleine. She loves dogs, for some reason she can't stand cats, she starts crying like hell when she's around one.

"Need any help?" Kylie asks as I prepare the salads. "Uhh, yeah. Can you take out the chicken please?" She nods and takes the chicken out the refrigerator. "I wonder if I will ever end up like you." She tells me.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?" I ask her, taring apart the lettuce leafs. "You have a perfect life: you're married to someone you love, you have a beautiful child and you never get hate." She tells me sadly.

Now I knew what she meant. "I love Devin so much but I feel like he doesn't want any of that." She adds, tears in her eyes. I grab her shoulders to look at me and tell her, "trust me, Devin loves you too. He will do anything to make you happy." I assure her. She smiles and gives me a hug.

"And I still get hate, I just chose to ignore it." I point out, shrugging my shoulders. At first it bothered me but I got used to it. After making the salad we brought it out to the backyard, where everyone was.

I then go over to Chris who was carrying Madeleine. "Food almost ready?" I question. He looks at me and says yes. "I think someone needs to change Madeleine's diaper." He says, giving her to me. "Uhh yeah and that someone is you." He laughs and takes her out my hands.

"On it babe." He says, giving me a kiss and leaving to the room. Thankfully he's not like Chase where he didn't know how to do anything with Caleb.

Five minutes pass by and Chris still hasn't came out yet which is getting me worried just a little bit. "I'll be back." I tell Ashley since I was sitting down on a coral coast chair with her and Balz. I go up to the room to find Chris still changing her diaper.

I laugh, scaring him. "What's taking you so long?" I ask him. It only takes a minute or so to change a diaper. "While I was changing her diaper she pooped." He answers, putting the straps on the side of the diaper on and putting on her little baby leggings.

She then starts crying. I stick out my hands for him to give her to me. "No no, I got it babe." He remarks, rocking her around trying to quiet her down. Not long after, he starts singing her to sleep.

"Paralyzed by the envy of the night, I am lost without here and outside it looks like rain. For the last time, I bleed myself dry tonight
And nothing I could ever write, would help you understand this life."

Once he was done singing to her, she was already asleep. His voice could be the last thing I hear and it will not matter to me. The way he sings, brings me to another dimension --- I love it. I love everything about him.

"Chris?" He nods for the question. "Can you sing me that song? Wasp?" I ask him, wanting to hear his voice again. "Of course." He says, sticking out his free hand, indicating for a dance with him.

We dance, with Madeleine still in his hand.

"January is the color of her skin,

February are her lips so inviting

Silk hair as shorts as a fuse,

She's been damaged,

She's been misused." He sings to me.

We stare into each other's eyes thinking the same thing I love you. He places a passionate kiss on my two lips. "I love you Athena." He tells me in a mumble.

"I love you too Chris." I reply. Always have, always will. I'm so grateful my dad made us move to Scranton, best day ever.

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