24. Dating

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Athena Pov

What do I wear? I haven't been on a date since....I've never been on a date! Not even with Chase I had a proper date; I'm so very screwed.

A dress? Isn't that to formal? Shirt and jeans? Isn't that a daily look though? Fuck. I need an expert. "Ryan-Ashley Malarkey!" I yell from room, hopefully loud enough for her to hear me.

I got different shop ours since I don't need to take care of anyone. It feels weird but that's life and I have to deal with it. "What? What? What?" She shouts while bursting into my room.

"I need your help." I tell her, she sighs, I'm guessing in relief. "With?" She questions, now calm. "Picking out what to wear for me." She raises her eyebrow in confused way.

I didn't tell her about the date yesterday --- I came home from Chris' house pretty late and went straight to bed. "Where are you going?" She asks, curious, in my opinion. "A date." I answer truthfully.

Her eyes almost bursts out of her sockets from the word date. "What?! Why didn't you tell me!? With who!? What's his name?! What does he look like?! How do you know him? What-" I laugh at her series of questions and cut her off.

"His names Xavier and it's no big deal. He's just a friend." I respond, trying to make it sound like no biggie. "Now please, help me find out what to wear." I beg as she stays speechless.

She agrees and starts looking through my closet, saying 'ehh' or 'no' as she flips through my clothes. "This!" She yells, holding up a dress I haven't wore, for what seems like ages. "Isn't that to much?" I ask. Her reaction was a scoff and a long "nooooo."

It's black and the sleeves are made out of lace, my favorite. It's skin tight, which scares me since I've gained weight since the last time I wore it. "Put it on." She demands. I playfully roll my eyes and take the dress from her hand.

I then go into the bath room and quickly strip on the dress. Surprisingly, I actually like with what I was seeing. I walk out and see Ashley on my bed waiting. She saw me and gasped. "You look great." She tells me with a smile on her face.

"Add this." She says, giving me a pair of black tights that would honestly go great with the dress. I also take that from her hand and put them on without going in the bathroom. I already know what shoes would go perfectly with this.

I see the time and notice that I only have 10 minutes until he's going to be here. I rush to bathroom and place some dark red lipstick on my lips. Any accessories? Ehh, maybe just a choker. Going with my favorite choker, I also add some earings.

Hey, I'm done. I didn't have to worry about my eyebrows and eye-shadow since I do that right when I wake up. I walk back into my room and start looking for my handbag. Ashley then comes in. "Wow, sexy." She tells me.

I roll my eyes and continue looking. "Here." She says handing me my bag. I tell her thanks and grab my phone. I literally just got a text from Xavier.

Xavier: Hey Athena, I'm outside your house. Take all the time you need though.

Me: Be right out.

I sent the text and put my phone in my bag. At first I was extremely nervous but now it's a whatever situation. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I'm over thinking this.

"Have fun!" Ashley yells, as I walk out the house. "I will!" I yell, closing the door. I then see a black Toyota Camry in the drive way. Xavier's face was visible from the windshield in the front.

I waved and smiled followed by me getting in the car. "Hey there." He says as I enter his vehicle. I said, "hey," while buckling my seatbelt in. He then drives off. I mean, I knew he wasn't but I was kind of hoping for a "you look great" or something.

I shrug it off and look out the window. I wonder what Chris is doing. Probably eating hot wings with Ryan or one of guys. What happened to Ryan? He stopped talking to me out of nowhere. Whatever, that's his business.

Ricky too, I haven't talk to him since yesterday. He would usually text me good morning or something to wake up to. Wait why am I so surprised? Obviously they wouldn't want to talk to someone as broken as me, besides Chris, who would?

"So, where we going?" I ask, taking the silence away. "A nice little restaurant that I love to go to." He answers, glancing over to me for a quick second and looking back to the road.

"Great, because I'm starving." I think out loud, gaining a laugh from him. "You'll love this place, trust me." He tells me, very confident that I'll like the place he's taking me to.

-skipping the date-

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