Metal's Return

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Shadow's POV

About three hours later, Shadow was lying back, looking out of the window. Y/N had fallen asleep an hour before, so he was alone with his thoughts. Memories of Maria swirled around his head. Voices echoed around his mind, stabbing through any sense of home. He could hear Maria's last words to him, his voice yelling her name, gunshots, explosions, cruel laughter. Darkness had descended quickly, blinding him. Confusion ruled his brain. Why was he always the one with amnesia? Why was he the one everyone appeared to hate? He glanced at the sleeping silhouette of Y/N nearby. She looked so peaceful, so much like Maria. If her hair had been blonde and a bit shorter, they could've been twins. Nothing seemed right to him. It was too quiet outside. A sudden movement out in the yard startled him, sending him rocketing into a sitting position. Hauling himself up to the window, Shadow scanned the outdoors, searching for anything suspicious. A pair of glowing red eyes glared back at him from a shrouded figure. He gasped, pulling himself away from the window. He knew who that was.

"Metal Sonic! What on Earth is he doing here?" If Metal was here, Eggman couldn't be far behind. If only he could... Well, he'd never tried. Leaning back, he focused all his energy on healing the wound in his chest.

"Here goes nothing."
A dark glow flickered into life, creeping down the cut. The muscle beneath it slowly knitted back together, but the light vanished before the worst had closed. A second attempt nearly made him scream in pain and frustration. A third exhausted him too much and he blacked out.

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