Memories Running Wild

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Shadow's POV

Shadow plunged one fist through the rock Silver had brought in, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

"No way!" Amy was jumping with excitement.

"I still have no idea how it's this strong. I used the same metal as you guys, right?"
"I think so. But who cares? Let's keep testing it. I set up a training area while I was on a break. You want to try it?"
"Sure, why not?"


Within no time at all, he was fending off robot attacks with just a wave of his hand. he could turn defence into offence, or offence into defence in seconds. Blades left no scratches, arrows bounced off harmlessly and lasers didn't even touch him. Nothing could get through his armour.

"How the heck did you make that?" Knuckles was completely amazed, but confused.

"I think that, from working so hard for so long, it's kind of like part of me has been infused into it. I'm not sure how that happened though."
"No way."
"I know right."

"Um, guys, are we gonna call a lunch break? Only I'm kind of starving," Rouge, the treasure hunting bat, called out.

Food sounded good. After all, Shadow had barely eaten for a week.

"I guess we'd better do. Don't want to run out of energy before we take out Eggman.

Shadow was reluctant to take off his armour. It felt like it was part of him now, just like Y/N. He moved over to a nearby mirror, looking at himself.

"Huh. Who am I really? Why do I feel like I'm in so many different parts?"
As he watched, visor raised, half of his reflection seemed to shimmer, ripple and change into an image of her face. The two pictures had been moulded together seamlessly. He smiled; the split reflection did the same on both sides. he reached out and touched the image of her, unsure of whether she was still alive. One part of him was saying, "She's not one to die that easily. She could be still alive," but the main voice in his head was yelling, "I felt her take her last breath! I held her in her last seconds! There's no way she's still alive." The conflicting thoughts made him turn away and take off the metal just to feel like he was doing something. He kept the helmet on just to feel like he was half-whole. Looking back at the mirror, his and her image was still there, copying his movements. Sorrow and anger flooded through him, forcing him to strike the glass. Even without the gauntlets, it cracked, close to shattering. Tears slid silently down his cheeks.

"Shadow? You OK in there? I heard something smash," Sonic yelled from the door.
Shadow didn't reply. He hit the mirror again, hands bleeding from the glass.

"Shadow..." a soft voice made him look down. Y/N's image flickered in the burning blade on the ground in front of him, "Kick Eggman into space for me."
"I will. I promise."
The door banged open as Sonic pushed his way in, "Shadow! What happened?"
"Just memories running wild."
"Hey, you can tell me. It's OK, I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Whatever is said in here..."
"Stays in here."
"Fine. It's Y/N. I can't get her out of my head. Part of me keeps saying she could still be alive, but that's impossible. I don't understand what's happening to me."

"That's what loving someone does to you. You can't stop thinking about them, yet every time you do, they seem to drive you crazy."
"I guess so, but all the same, I can't let myself break down like this in the middle of a battle."
"I know. Here, you must be starving," Sonic pressed a chilli dog into Shadow's hands, "You need it."
Yells outside nearly made Shadow choke. Throwing his armour back on, he exchanged a quick glance with Sonic and sprinted outside.

Worlds Apart - a Shadow the Hedgehog x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now