Leaving And Returning

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Shadow's POV

Shadow sat next to Y/N with her grandmother. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, but she isn't going to make it. The heart attack she suffered is causing her heart to fail several times over, even after we do CPR."
"Isn't there anything that can keep her alive? Anything at all?"
"There's nothing we can do, I'm afraid. She may go at any minute."
Tears rolled freely down Y/N's cheeks. She rested her head on Shadow's shoulder. Neither of them could do anything. He carefully held her weeping form, unsure of what to say.

"Hey, easy, easy. You'll be fine."
"I know, but Gran raised me my whole life. She was the only parent I knew."
"I understand how it feels to lose someone who cares about you."
"I know you do. It's just... too much."
B/F/N and another girl, whom he presumed was F/N, were clinging to each other, also crying. A loud beeping noise filled the room. Y/N cried out and turned away, pushing her head deeper into his shoulder, unable to look.

"She's gone."
"I'm sorry. She did have a good long life though."
"I know. it's just hard to let her go.

When they returned to school a week later, none of the girls returned to their classes. Each of them stayed in the first aid room, helping to clear Y/N's stuff away. Even Shadow managed to help out.

"You sure you can manage that?" F/N looked over, watching him roll up the sleeping bag.

"Sure I can. I've been through rougher times than this."
Y/N was holding down the other end of the sleeping bag to make it easier for him. Even after a week she was still crying.

"It's the memories isn't it?"
"Yeah... I can't get her out of my head."
"Try thinking of something else."
"Like what?"
"Music, stuff that makes you smile," Me, he added silently, Wait, what?!

"I know what to think of. Someone in this room."
"Huh? Who?"
"I'd better not say. It'll start rumours."

"It's me isn't it?"

"That basically means yes."

She groaned, "OK you got me. It's —"

Her reply was cut short by loud screams and explosions. An echoing voice cackled over them.

"Shadow, I know you're here. Come out, or I'll be forced to tear this place apart to find you."
"He found you!"

"Looks like it. Come on!"

"No! You can't go up against him!
"You don't have to be so protective of me anymore."

Y/N sighed, "Fine. but I'm facing him with you."

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