Got To Get Away

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Shadow's POV

Meanwhile, Shadow was chained against a wall as Mephiles watched Y/N take out the fake Tails, "You won't get away with this."
"Oh, I already have. I'm airing this to every television, game console, billboard, computer and public screen in the world. Nobody will be able to miss it."

Shadow snarled, straining against his bonds. Mephiles approached him, chuckling. He pushed Shadow back against the wall and slammed his wrists into shackles. One clicked shut across his chest as well. His armour lay on the floor nearby. He had expected the strength he had to be able to break free even without the suit, but the metal was too strong. Mephiles blew smoke into his face through his nose, giving him a coughing fit.

"Without you, the others are nothing. Defeating them will be easy. Then all I have to do is stage your death and I'll be free to rule the world!"
Shadow rolled his eyes, recovering from the smoke, "What is it with people wanting to rule the world these days? Everyone apparently wants to take over."
"It's the trend. But no matter. I'll be the first to do it!"
"Why do you even think people will listen to you? It's not like they don't have a choice."
"I thought of that. My clones are taking out any rebels as we speak."
Shadow attempted to wrench himself free. Nothing. The shackles, however, were beginning to rub against the rings on his arms — the ones which kept his power limited — loosening them. If they came off, he'd easily escape. He twisted his left arm, careful not to draw Mephiles' attention away from the screens. A soft click told him that the first ring had slid off. He caught it quickly before starting on the second. Mephiles was half turned towards him when the power erupted from him as the second came off. Each shackle broke, as did the chains, yet the chains didn't come off completely; the remains hung limply from his wrists.

"How did you...?!"
"You said you were unstoppable, but that was a lie. I can stop you."
Mephiles let out an angry growl and lunged. Shadow stepped to one side, letting him fly past him into the wall. Before Mephiles could recover, Shadow sprinted out of the nearby door, grabbing his armour as he went. He missed his helmet by an inch and was forced to leave it behind. Leaping down the spiral staircase he plunged out into a crowd of Mephiles clones. He couldn't stop and wove between them like a lightning bolt gone rogue, sending several of them flying. One raked a claw across his left eye, leaving three long cuts over it. It went dead, darkness falling on his left side. However, most of the Mephili were too stunned to act and were blasted out of the way. He could hear Sonic and the others yelling and kicking at the doors of their prisons; had he been able to stop he would have broken them out before they were put in the arena. Nothing would stand in his way. Barrelling into a platform overlooking the forest, he slipped on his armour. The gauntlets got stuck over the chains, so he left them off.

"Heck, they should fit Y/N, since we're about the same size," he muttered to himself before launching himself over the side.

Worlds Apart - a Shadow the Hedgehog x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now