Preparing for Eggman

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Shadow's POV

Back in Downtown Station Square , Shadow stood against the wall with his back to Sonic and the others. He kept hitting the plaster with one fist.

"Shadow, seriously, stop it. You're driving the rest of us crazy," Silver, the telekinetic grey-white hedgehog, complained.

"I can't. It's too much."
"I understand that but - "

"Silver. Leave him alone," Tails, the super-smart yellow fox, interrupted him.

"I just can't believe she's gone. It's impossible for me," Shadow punched the wall again, hands bleeding.

"Shadow," Amy, a pink hedgehog, stepped in, "At least try to."
"I have. But I can't."

"Well, the best you can do is do what she asked you to."
"Kick Eggman into space."

Shadow, Sonic and the rest of the group worked together to prepare for hunting Eggman down. Knuckles, the red echidna, smashed several machines to collect enough metal to form armour for all of them, plus at least one weapon to fight with. Shadow never took a break; he hammered away at the iron, ignoring the heat and the sparks that sizzled in his quills. The more he focused on his work, the brighter Y/N's image glowed in the flames and in his mind. The brighter she became, the more the fire of his anger towards Eggman grew. The larger it grew, the more focused he became. it was an everlasting cycle. He worked tirelessly day and night for over a week, only pausing for a drink every three or four hours. The others came and went, each exhausted by the end of their work, but he carried on. Eventually, he had created a full suit of black and red armour, complete with several blades and a helmet, perfectly shaped to fit him and him alone. Only the visor on the helmet was a different colour: gold, as a reminder of Y/N's heart of gold. When Sonic came in to work on his armour, he didn't recognise Shadow, all clad in metal.

"Wait, who are you and what have you done with Shadow?"

"Sonic, it's me."
"Oh, right. I didn't recognise you. You must be boiling in that!"
"I'm not. It's actually kind of cooler inside than when I'm not wearing it."
"I've got to say, you look great in it."
Shadow laughed, "Thanks. I just need to test it now."
"You want me to do my spin attack?"

"Go for it."

Sonic's spin attack was powerful, but Shadow's armour was way stronger. As soon as Sonic hit him, he was sent flying across the room.
"You alright?"

"I'm fine. Wow, that's strong."
"I know it is if it can block you."
"Try hitting something with it on. Hey Silver!"
"Yeah?" Silver's reply was muffled by the door.

"Could you get a massive boulder outside? We're just testing Shadow's armour."
"Yeah, no problem."
"Let's see it then," Amy yelled.

Sonic and Shadow exchanged awkward looks, "Should we?"
"Why not? They're gonna see it sooner or later."
"OK. But you're going out first."
"Fine by me."
"how much do you bet they won't recognise me?"

"Let's not go there."

Sonic pushed open the door, walking out in front of Shadow, whose face was hidden by the gold visor.

"Who is that?" Knuckles stared, trying to figure out who was underneath the metal. Shadow lifted the helmet off slowly, revealing himself.

"Wow. Just wow."
"It's gonna take Egghead a lot of on-target shots to break through this. More than he has," Sonic flicked Shadow's shoulder.

"Did somebody order a giant boulder?" Silver sauntered in, then stared at Shadow, "No way. That's awesome!"

"Thanks. Let's go test it."

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