Finding Her

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Shadow landed perfectly on his feet in a small clearing near a lake. He glanced around, trying to figure out where he was. Despite his deadened left eye, he was able to spot several points that gave him an idea of his location. He wasn't far from where Y/N had last been seen. A sudden blue blur shot out of a bush, nearly colliding with him. A Sonic clone. He ducked, letting it slam into a tree. Drawing a sword, Shadow stalked over to it, resting the blade underneath its chin.

"Where is she? Tell me or you'll feel the taste of this iron!" he threatened.

The clone smirked," You'll never find her. She'll be long dead before you can reach her."
No more information would come out of it, so he slashed hard, taking off the clone's robotic head. He turned away to scramble up a tree, one of the tallest in the arena. Loud yells drifted on the wind to the east. Y/N. He sprang from the tree, using the height to cover a lot of ground. Finally, he could just see her again. First the long lonely week and now this.

"I swear, Mephiles will pay for this."

He plunged out into a clearing by the side of the nearby lake after jumping down from the tree and was instantly surrounded by clones of himself, Sonic and Silver.

"Oh, you want a fight do you? Bring it on."
The clones surged forward in a tide of blue, black and white. Many of them leapt upon Shadow, pinning him down while others attempted to tear him apart. Each blow only made him stronger. A blast of rage exploded from him, leaving a trail of broken robot clones. However, one of them had dug a blade deep into his chest through a gap in his armour. The knife had missed the vital organs, but it could still be fatal. Shadow lay back on the grass, too injured to move. After all this time, to be beaten by a rough clone of one of his friends. The very thought of it sent boiling hatred towards Mephiles. How could he? He couldn't force friends to become enemies! Oh, what's the point? a tiny voice in his head muttered, There's nothing you can do. You can't even move, for crying out loud!

"No. There's got to be something. I can't give up, not after all I've been through," he told himself, trying to push himself up. Muscles shaking, he collapsed under his own weight. He pulled the blade from his chest, gasping as a fresh wave of pain shot through him. The first spots of rain splashed on his scraped face. They provided a tiny island of calm in the chaotic sea of pain that raged in the storm of emotion inside him. Leaning back on the grass, he wondered if he'd ever see Y/N again before he died. The odds weren't in his favour. Weakened and exhausted, bleeding and battered, he closed his one remaining useful eye, wanting to forget everything he ever knew. For once, he wanted his amnesia to hit. He looked up at the sky as he waited for death to take its toll.

Don't worry guys, Shadow won't die in this chapter.

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