Not Letting Go

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Shadow's POV

Back in Downtown Station Square, Shadow's spirit overlooked everything that was going on. Call him crazy, but he didn't feel dead at all. It was like something was trying to pull him back. He watched as Y/N set his lifeless body down on the bed in his room while the other's cried on each other's shoulders.

"I never knew they cared so much for you," a voice behind him made him turn.

"Mephiles? What are you doing here?"
"Not just him," Eggman's ghost appeared beside him.

"What do you guys want?"
"We want to apologise for all the times we've tried to... you know, kill you."
"Yeah, and you finally did it, Mephiles."
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't realise how twisted I'd become."

"And I didn't realise what an idiot I'd become to mess with life forces as strong as you."
Shadow glared at them out of the corner of his eye, "I don't have time for your games. Leave me alone."
"We're all in the same position. Why would we be playing games?" Eggman hovered next to him.

Mephiles looked at Y/N setting Shadow's dead body down on the sheets, "Why did I cause so much pain? I didn't know how people would understand what I was going through after being disowned by my home, and I never tried to find out."
"And I didn't know-"
"How annoying you were?"
"Yeah. How annoying I was."
Shadow laughed, "You never did get how tedious your attacks could be."
"I know, I know, I get it now."

"You know what, Shadow?" Mephiles nudged him.

"You should go back to her."
"I can't since -"
"You can. You can still do it. Just go back to where your body is and take the same position it's in. Your spirit should fuse back into it without any problem."
"But... If you know how to go back, how come you haven't done it yourselves?"
"There are too many mistakes we've made to go back. You, however have made fewer errors. You can go back."
"Go on. While you still can."

Shadow floated down so he was just above where his body lay. He looked at Y/N, standing there next to him, tears still streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you Shadow," she whispered, "I tried my best."
"It's OK. I'm coming back."

Glancing back at Mephiles and Eggman, he sighed, "Never thought I'd say this, but thanks."
They nodded slowly and faded, "Good luck."
Alone once again, Shadow hung in the air above himself, "Here goes." He lay back in the same position as he body was in and held his breath, allowing himself to sink back in.

Worlds Apart - a Shadow the Hedgehog x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now