Please Join Us!!

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Misaki didn't know what to do . The coach of her brothers basketball team just stood up and walked over to her a asked an unbelievable question.
" Will you join the basketball team?" Misaki didn't know what to think . Sure she was good at basketball but that didn't mean that she was ready for another team . Not after .... that . As misaki was having an internal battle the other on the basketball squad stared at the coach like she was an alien from outer space . Captain finally got enough brains to speak and said
" Coach you can't just do that !" He exclaimed with surprise .
" Yes I can , and as the coach of this squad I have more power over both you and the squad combined . Plus she would be a really good player ." She replied in a simple tone . They all just stared at her .
"Now then , Misaki do you wanna join or not ?" She said looking straight at Misaki .
Misaki replied and said .....

Hope you guys enjoyed it sorry I haven't updated in a while . And so sorry about the cliff hanger . You'll just have to wait until I he next chapter . * Someone in the background says When will you update then * I'll try to get a new chapter out every 2 weeks guys . Thanks for reading and please don't hesitate to comment I could use alittle advice and I need to know what you think of my story .
My username is musicsinging200
Don't hesitate to snap me ok. Until next time .

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