Game On

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Narrator POV

   Aida started to give the team their game plans. It was pretty simple all they had to do was do a simple game play that involved the team. The one thing to mention that happened in the locker room was that Aida threatened to give them all her "famous" lemons if they failed. All at once the team felt a shiver go down their backs.

They all got dressed with Misaki in a separate room of course and they came back to the room. When the boys saw Misaki in her uniform they all internally awwed. She looked even smaller in her big uniform. Also her face made it even more adorable because she had a pout on her face. Aida was the only on who actually said something to Misaki she said
," You look so adorable!" Misaki started getting an eye twitch. Misaki then said with annoyance in her tone

," Can we just get started?" The rest of the team got her vibe and they started getting serious. After a quick briefing from Aida they started walking out. They found the gym just as they left it. With one team practice and the other team warming up. Aida said with a twitch in her eye

," Crush them NOW." Everyone replied with
," Yes ma'm !" They all got set up . Kagami was getting ready in the middle and the ref was coming up to them. Just as the ref got up under their hands to throw the ball up there was a sudden silence. When the ball was thrown and the whistle was heard it was suddenly game on.

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