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  So Misaki spent most of her middle school years with her American basketball team. They slowly got closer and closer tournament after tournament. Until one day...

Misaki was sitting with the team in a small cafe after a tournament they had just won. She was excited they had just become one of the best teams in America. She sat there thinking about everything that she had accomplished so far in her time away. She had definitely improved her skills and was becoming more mature.

With reminiscent thoughts on her mind Misaki's thoughts drifted toward an offer she had been given. What many didn't know was that she often played in a basketball singles tournament. She did it when she had time away from her American team and wanted some extra practice to prefect her skills. She thought about the stranger that had approached her not even a week ago.


Misaki had just finished her game and was about to shake her opponents hand. But before she could take the first steps and man of Japanese heritage approached her. The first thing she noted was that he was tall. But in relative to her everyone was tall. This man had to at least be 6'5 . Her immediate thought was that he was another agent that was approaching her for an offer to play for his team. Over her time in America she had received many of these and was used to turning them down. After all she already had a team to play with and she wasn't looking to be even more busy than what she was.

When Misaki thought he was approaching her she was about to tell him a greeting but was surprised to see he had vanished.

'Maybe it's just one of my idiosyncrasies 'she mused in her thoughts. She just forgot about it and turned around to talk to her competitors. She gave her compliments and the girl she faced returned it. With time going by Misaki eventually forgot about the strange man she had seen. But as she was about to leave for her temporary flat she noticed something or rather someone was following her. She glanced behind her.

'It must have been a trick of the light' she convinced herself. Even though she thought she was calm her mind and body were forced to work faster. Although, as she got closer to her apartment complex she got a feeling of being relaxed.

'Maybe I'll call and see how Kurokos doing' she suggested to herself. As she was imagining her relaxing night in after a hard days play she was suddenly pulled from her solitude.

Misaki had never moved so fast. A hand grabbed her and pulled her into a nearby alley way. Once the hand was removed and Misaki opened her eyes she gasped.
She never thought she'd she that face ever again...


Hello my little stars. Sorry it took me so long to update but I'm here and I'm trying. I want to try and include my reader more in my writing. So I want some comments about what you want to see happen next. I can't wait to continue writing. AND THANK YOU SO MICH FOR 50,000 I don't think I'm that good of a writer but thanks to you stars I feel I've actually done something. Until the next chapter.

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