Back and Forth:The Never Ending Battle!!! Quarter 2 part 2

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Misaki's POV

My thoughts were centered around coaches decision to send me out guarding Kise. I might have looked calm on the infused but I was secretly freaking out! Before I could get my thoughts together the whistle was blown. I feel like I'm walking to my doom.

I started at a slow jog to the court it was the other teams possession of the ball. I just need to get the their goal so that I can defend. I noticed Kise got the ball I was quick to go into a defensive position and catch him off guard. For a split second he didn't move the ball and I took that as my chance to take it.

I blocked out all the noise from the other team I felt a presence next to me. I quickly passed it there sense the other team was starting to catch up with me. I knew Nii-San was there to get the ball he quickly passed it back to me and I went in the score.

I glanced at the score board it was even . Suddenly Kise started saying to my team
"It's unfair to put Misa-chan I me you know I like her!" I was flustered all of a sudden before I could say something back that would probably embarrass me Captain threw the ball to me.

Before I could even dribble it once Kise stole the ball at got a score in. Kise and I made eye contact. From that moment I knew it would be a competitor between the two of us to see who could score the most points in the quarter. I have no idea what logical thinking told me to do it but I did and by the time the quarter was over I was dead tried.

I buzzer went off right as I put another basket in. I was panting for exhaustion and I made my way over to the bench. Aida-San was looking at me with a menacing glare. Before I could defend myself she started yelling
" Misaki the while reason I put you on Kise was because I was counting on you to not make it a completion like Bakagami would-" There was a distant "Hey" in the background but anyone could guess who said that. She continued ranting " -you were supposed to be calm and collected but look at you now you're basically dead. But the only thing good about this is that Kise looks drained to so ... Good job but I'm keeping out the third and maybe the fourth quarter."

Before I could argue she said
" No buts that's final." With a tone of finality she turned to the rest of the team and started talking to them about strategies to get the team out of the tug-of-war that we were in now. My only thought was ' What am I gonna do?'

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