Back and Forth: The Never Ending Battle!!! Quarter 1

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Narrators POV

The Seirin team started making their way to the middle of the full court to start again. The other team was grumbling because they had to stop practice. The ref grab the ball and Kaijos center got the ball first.

Each one of their members started what had seemed to be a complicated strategy . They all whizzed past the Seirin members and they actually got a score. The score was now 2-2 , Kagami was shocked his thoughts were
,' They so fast ... that's the most complicated strategy I've ever seen.'

Serin's point guard threw the ball in from the other side of the court. Seirin's point guard just happened to be Misaki. When she threw the ball in she threw it to Kagami. Instantly when Kagami got the ball he was double teamed by members from the other team.

Kagami had found a way to break away and noticed a blue flash in his eye. He instantly trusted whatever instinct gave him the idea to throw the ball to that blue flash . When he did he realized it was Kuroko. Just for a split second he saw Kuroko with the ball but by the time he realized that he had the ball the ball was gone from his hands and into Misaki's hands.

Misaki took the ball down the court. The boys from Kaijo looked surprised to see the girl playing but they kept serious and had started to try and defend her. She quickly faked right and went left. The only defense standing in her way was Kaijos huge center. Out of the cover of Misaki's eye she saw Captain. They quickly made eye contact and Misaki did a quick side pass to Captain.

Captain grabbed the ball and quickly made a almost 3-pointer but they counted it as a 2-pointer. The score was now 2-4 .

The game went like this for a while and it was now 12-14 . That's when Kaijo called for subs and Kise came in. That's when everyone started getting serious. Suddenly the buzzer went of the signal the end of the quarter. As they walked up to coach she warned them and said...

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