Save Misaki

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Aida's POV
With Aida's declaration the team spent the rest of the week training. Wether mentally or physically the team worked their butts off. The results of this training is what got the team where they are now. In simple words... the team was exhausted by the end of the week and Aida had a big smile on her face as she addressed the team. She said with blinding happiness," Well done team , today's the day we play Kise's school. Let's get excited!" The team just stared at her and groaned. Some even went as far as flat out dying on the floor. Everyone's thoughts were along the lines of ,' Jesus is that you cause I can see a bright light right now'. Aida just sweat dropped she then got the idea of bribing the boys into being excited and pumped to play the game. She said with hope ," You'll all get my sweet lemon slices  during half-time." Some people passed out others plain out vomited in their mouths. Aida got even more dejected but then she got an idea she said ," How about an Aida kiss ?" She said this with confidence after all who wouldn't want to get a kiss from her. She started to imagine what it would be like and stared off into space. She then snapped out of it. She turned to look at the boys and saw them drawing straws. She got curious and listened in on their conversation. It included things like ," The person who gets the smallest straw has to kiss Aida." And ," Ugh I don't want to lose." Aida blew her top at those words. She then said the thing that got them awake ," IF YOU BOYS LOSE MISAKI HAS TO GO ON A DATE WITH KISE , I SAY SAVE MISAKI!" With this being said the boys started cheering ," SAVE MISAKI , SAVE MISAKI , SAVE MISAKI." Poor Misaki sat there and said ," SAVE ME , SAVE ME , SAVE ME." With this chant continuing everyone headed for the bus.

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