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Narrators POV
When the whistle blew it was like seeing a completely still body of water suddenly get violently disturbed. Kagami had gotten the ball and immediately started using coaches plan. Kagami started searching the field for an invisible Kuroko but he couldn't find him so just three the ball directly in front of him.

Just so happens Kuroko was standing there at the time Kagami just did not notice him. Kuroko did a quick almost untouchable pass to Captain. Captain was about to go in for a lay up but was suddenly blocked by what seemed to be a hard concrete wall of a person. He passed it back to Kagami yelling while doing it

Kagami just thought to himself sarcastically ,'Yea give me the iron hard defense to deal with .' Kagami just got so worked up that he drove through for a layup and he got through. Bad news is the glass behind the goal shattered and the rim of the goal was gone.

,' Looks like we can't be ignored anymore.' Is what Kagami was thinking. The other team just stood there in utter shock. Suddenly their coach came up and said in a booming voice
," Look what you did to my goal now the rest of my team that actually matters-" at this statement the current team members on his side of the court looked angry
,"- will have to stop doing the drill just to give up the court for y'alls puny game. I apologize now for the beating well give you." He then turned on his heel and walked away.

Misaki stood there angrily she then marched up to the Coach she said with anger
," We'll show you how to play you mean , perverted old fart!"

Before she could leave the Coach grabbed her arm and said in a sly tone
," I recognize you from before do you remember old times ... Mrs. BlueStar ?" Misaki shivered and said
," I'm not that girl anymore leave me alone !" She finally left and headed back toward her team.

She said to them ," We should be getting ready to play again soon we will be back doing what we just did. Keep it up guys ." Everyone responded to her but everyone had on question on their mind . Just what had Misaki done while she was gone other than get really good at basketball?

HEY STARS IM BACK. Miss me cause I missed you little stars. Wow a lot has happened since we last talked have you lost weight you look like it. Anyway I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who reads this story cause we got passed 10,000 do you know many people that is that's like ... A lot of people. Anyway thank you so much cause without you guys reading this story I wouldn't have the motivation to keep on writing this story and keep updating. I love y'alls comment and I appreciate constructive criticism. Just nothing mean okay. Anyway I love you stars and I just want to let you know I still alive. Wow this is a long authors note okay I gonna end it soon calm down. Just wanted to let you guys know that . Have a great day or night depending on when you see this and also I try to get a chapter out every Friday . Also jab that vote and follow button , but don't hit it so hard you crack your screen okay , for me please it's appreciated anyways BYE BYE.

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