Decisions Decisions

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I didn't exactly know where to start.

I mean my team was standing infront of me. Expecting me to explain why I left.

I know what they want me to say but u don't know how to say it.

"Hey guys?" I started out casually like I was seeing an old friend which I was. Before I could utter another word Kira-chan intervened. She started out with a disappointed look. But then it followed with a sigh and then she said

"Why has it taken so long for us to find you Miss-chan?"

I couldn't really answer that question for her either. I mean I myself don't know why they couldn't have found us.

Since Seirin is doing so well we have been in the media a lot lately. But then again they're Americans who speak very little Japanese so it would be hard to get around in this country.

I'm thinking too hard I need to answer Kira-chan.

"Umm" I stuttered " Maybe because you can't read in kanji?" I offered but one look on her face said something different to me.

"I mean maybe because I sorta didn't want to be found...." I trailed off and looked down ashamed of what I had said.

I heard movement to my right and felt Kira-chan hug me and then I felt more and more arms till I was suddenly in a big team hug.

I don't know what came over me I suddenly started crying. The tears kept falling and falling and suddenly I was on me knees. With my team around me but still crying.

Each tear felt like a weight of a lie lifting off my shoulders. The truth is that I never wanted to leave America I never wanted to leave me team. But when I'm here with nii-san I feel like I'm at home. I still haven't come to a decision but I must be okay with being undecided. I need to be fine with not knowing. The unknown scares me but what is known will make me happy. Both my teams need to be fine with my undecided self. I know that eventually time will tell me what I should do.

When I finally calmed down I was ready to give them my answer. Before I come could open my mouth. The door busted open.

And... Bakagami came in. I've never seen him move so fast and grab me out of my teams hold.

I could definitely see a storm brewing between these two groups. Truthfully I don't know how to stop it.

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