Fun Time

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Aida said with a smile ," I knew that you were going to be a good addition to this team." Just as I was about to reply Bakagami had to butt in and say
," Okay, enough of this sappy stuff. You all know I'm  not good at it ."I retorted and said
," No wonder you'll never get a girlfriend."
Before Bakagami could get any closer to me Kuro-nii got inbetween us and said
," I suggest we all get out of here and celebrate Misaki joining the team." I agreed with this suggestion but before I could reply and say anything Bakagami got out from Kurokos hold and started chasing me around the gym. As we were running I yelled to the other boys in the team
," Arn't you guys supposed to be helping me"? The one that looked like a Neko said
," We would but this is too funny to stop."
I thought to myself
'Thanks a lot team that tells me exactly how you'll treat me.'
Finally I came up with a plan to stop Kagami from chasing me .
' Now just to put it into action' I thought to myself. I suddenly stopped and since Kagami was going so fast to try and catch me he couldn't stop as suddenly as I did. So I tripped him and he fell flat on his face.
My thoughts were 'This is hilarious '. I told the whole team that was just staring
,' Now that is absolutely hilarious, it's time to go now dot you think so I'm going to go get changed and then we can go celebrate okay"?
They all nodded like dogs the funniest thing was that Kagami did it too.
From that moment on I knew I would have one big group of children to be one a team with. But , strangely I was excited.

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