This is my Fight !!!

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*The Next Day *
As I entered the doors to the gym all noise stopped. They all stared at me , I was questioning if there was something on my face or not. The silence grew like a thick cloud of smog. Awkward smog in my opinion.
'Ok ' I prepped myself to talk.' Just speak ' I thought.
It occurred to me that it was still silent so I I finally raised my voice
," Umm ... Good morning I here for practice ."
With that said it seemed like a play button was pressed and they all got back to work.
' These buffoons ' I thought
," Oh Misaki !" A sing-song voice called out to me .
,"Oh narts " I thought, I turned to look behind me and saw my exit . Just as I was about to step toward my freedom an arm stopped me .
,"Misaki I can't wait to see you play today you will play today right ?"
I couldn't just tell her straight out no , but ... But . Whatever
," Yes of course I'll play ." I finished the sentence with a fake smile I could feel my eye twitching . This is going to be a long day I could tell.
,"Bakagami get your butt over here ." Riko yelled out loud.
," Hai , Hai , I'm coming ."Kagami yelled back.
As he walked up I started to realize how big and tall he really was. Compared to my 4"11 height I was at a disadvantage but I love challenges. Riko got everyone to sit on the bench and me and Kagami were in the middle.
As we were about to do the tip-off that feeling of butterflies got to me. My hands got clammy and I started feeling dizzy. Suddenly , I wasn't on the court anymore . I was in a dark place. This ... This isn't what or where I wanna be. Suddenly a whistle was blown and I was back and Kagami had already scored a point on me . It's time for me to shine... This is my Fight!!!



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