Meet The Team *Part 3*

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Next , Misaki meet another boy his name was Leon. He was a strawberry blonde with rare magenta eyes and he had a fair skin color. At the moment he had a blank look on his face and this worried Misaki. She had insecurities about what people thought about her. But,he then noticed it was his turn and a smile bloomed on his face. While Misaki's heart was still pounding he took a few steps up and looked down at her. Misaki saw a shadow towering over her and she glanced up. She was pleasantly surprised to see a big smile on his face. Eventually her worries were eased and she looked back, expecting for him to introduce himself. He opened his mouth and said

" Hello, my Leon and I'm happy that you're here . I hope in the future that we will be great friends."

Misaki smiled back and just gave him a polite nod

'Well, at least he's normal... I think'

Continuing on, a girl walked up her skin pale, but in a nice way.She had chocolate brown hair and honestly looked like an nice girl at ,least that's what Misaki had hoped she would be. When the girl got to standing right in front of her she said

"Hello squirt,that's what I'm gonna call you from now on. I'm Hoshino Yume, you're senpai so you should respect me. Welcome to the team"

She walked away with a satisfied look on her face and got back in the line.Misaki had a look of disbelief on her face the team was laughing really hard and Misaki was just about ready to tell this Hoshino Yume who she was talking to but, before she could utter a sound a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes came up to her and said

"Calm down. That's just Yume joking around with you you'll get used to it the more you come here. By the way my names Ryuu Kira,but you can call me Ryuu."

Next thing Misaki knows she hears a soft voice come up behind her and say

"My names Rin Kazumi." She then stutters and adds"I hope we can be good friends" and the goes back to shyly hiding behind her teamate.Misaki had to slow down after having to deal with 3 major different personalities on the team.

'Just calm down Misaki go to that happy place that Kuroko always talks about ,go down the bunny path with all the nice bunnies surronding you. You only have one more person to meet anyway remem-' Before Misaki could finish her thoughts a cold voice caught her attention and she looked up from her quickly forming daydream. A very pale girl approached her with blazing red hair but cool blue eyes.

" My names Fushiktio Astrid. That's all you need to now for now. Be good to my team." Astrid then turned on her heel and went back in line. The last voice Misaki heard was the coach briefly saying that they needed to return to practice and that Misaki was excused from it for the day. But, she had to be there bright and early to start practice the next day. Misaki once again glanced at the group and she just shook her head. She left the gym with a smile and thought

'Oh boy, this is going to be a long break in America' She then looked up at the sky and continued out loud " Isn't it Kuroko" She said with a smile. Ready for what the next day was to bring her on her journey to playing her basketball.

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