Author's Note

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Hey guys just wanted to let you know I'm alive 😊. I having a little trouble though trying to find out what I'm going to write in the next chapters I could use some help . Please add your suggestions in the comments box or on my pages board . You could also message me 😊. I wanna say something to you guys THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH . This story has 2k reads and when I first started this story I was just expecting a few lines and a few reads not this . Without you guys I probably wouldn't be as happy as I am right now . So again you guys make my day so thank you again . I hope you all are having great days or nights depending on what part of the world your in 😉 . I just wanted to say I love you guys . Don't forget to comment with ideas please I'll also give your a shoutout of credit at the beginning of the next chapter . Anyway Bye bye !
     Love ,

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