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Misaki's POV
I was personally shocked after Kise-kin left the gym. We not only had to go against a really good school but also if we lost I would have to go on a date with Kise. I internally shivered, Kuroko-nii stood there shocked. He then turned to me and said
," Whatever happens promise me you won't go on a date with him." Now under normal circumstances I would immediately nod yes and we wouldn't have any problems. But , I currently am feeling a rebellious streak against my brother. I replied to him and said
," I'll think about it ." With this being said my brother gave me a glare . Just as he was about to reply ,in a mostly likely angry tone , Kagami intervened. He said in a loud tone
," This is going to be fun ." I immediately questioned him.
," What do you mean that this will be fun this will be anything but fun for me." He gave me a look that said , you are dumb. I didn't really appreciate this but I let him continue. He said
," Of course it won't be fun for you , you are basically being seen as on object of prize , but I finally get to go against one of the generation of miracles." Everyone around us anime fell to the ground . I have him look of offensiveness. He must be mentally retarded. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard . I said in a , are you dumb tone
," I hope you know that you've already gone against one of the generation of miracles." He gave me a look of confusion.
," What do you mean." Was his reply, at this everyone got fed up and annoyed and said
," She is apart of the generation of miracles you idiot!" He gave me a look and said
," Ehhhhh?" I just sighed at him and said
," Okay how are we going to prepare?" Everyone started scratching their heads , but then Aida walked in and said with a smile
," We train ." Everyone at once groaned including me.

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