She's Gone

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Narrators POV

The next day at school everyone was congratulating the team on their win. They all bathed in the glory given to them. All of the Seirin team members had a smile on their face, all except Misaki. Ever since the game she had been worried and in deep thought most of the time.

Kuroko tended to worry about her through out the week. He noticed the little differences in her smile. How she didn't give as much attention to conversations as she did before. As her brother he had tried to talk to her more than he can count and that's saying a lot for a person of his character.

Later on Friday the whole team was in the gym practicing as usual Aida was being a cruel coach and making them do rigorous work.
Misaki didn't give the 100% she usually gave. She tried to hide it but everyone noticed. Misaki was in too deep of thought about what the coach from Kaijo had said to her.


Before she could leave the Coach grabbed her arm and said in a sly tone
," I recognize you from before do you remember old times ... Mrs. BlueStar ?" Misaki shivered and said
," I'm not that girl anymore leave me alone !" She finally left and headed back toward her team.


'How could he have known about why I was doing in America' Thought Misaki ' It was supposed to be a top secret that was buried away in my past. I never wanna be that girl again.' Misaki's thoughts cotinued on this train. 'The girl that ... No! I can't think like this I need to go talk to her.I'll be gone for a few days but I can make an excuse'

Misaki quickly turned to Kuroko who she hadn't noticed she had be standing next to. Apparently while she was thinking they had already left and were walking on the way home. She quickly shook her head and said to Kuroko
"In going to spend the weekend with some friends so I'll be gone." Kuroko agreed just because he thought that was what's best for her.

So later that day Misaki left and Kuroko expected her to be back by the end of the weekend boy was he wrong . Little did he know when she got back things would get interesting even more than what they were now and the mystery of Misaki would deepen.

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