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Misaki never saw that face again after she turned away that dark night and ran as if she was about to die. She opened her apartment door and promised herself to never be a stand alone player again.

Mislaid woke up with the sun shining outside her small apartment window. There were no walls because she couldn't afford much but she loved the open living. She got ready for the gym as usual and started making her way there. Little did she know that Coach would have something special for her and the team.


Misaki walked into the gym just as Coach was about to blow the whistle to bring the whole team around for morning announcements. Hearing the shrill sound she jogged her way to gather with the rest of the team.

Coach started with ," Goodmorning everyone! Today I have a special announcement I want us to participate in the annual international basketball tournament in Japan. We'll have some hard enemies but I think that we really can win this year."

As everyone's faces lifted at the prospect of going to travel Misaki's dropped. In reality she never really wanted to return to Japan. In actuality the reason she left wasn't only for the team but because being there brought back memories of her parents car crash all the time.

Misaki knew that she couldn't go but everyone seemed so excited to just participate. With a fake smile she cheered and agreed with the team as they celebrated. And all day no one knew that she left as if her hold perfectly sculpted world was crumbling around her.

At that moment she wasn't Misaki she was just a sad walking she'll trying to forget past memories. She knew she had 3 months until the tournament. And 3 months to either be a coward and walk away. Or face her fears and go back to Japan despite what happened.

What Misaki wasn't expecting was that she wouldn't choose either of those or that eventually she would have to decide what team she would participate on in the tournament.

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